One Enemy-I

Elise looked around the street as they chose to walk. There was no carriages in hell unlike in her place, the mortal world. Most demons uses their wings for transport that had Elise wonder when she would have wings as well. Considering she had the blood of both demon and angels, she believe she would have such power but then she also questioned the existence of her angelic power considering how she didn't feel such ability inside her. 

"If I have wings, would mine look like yours?" Elise questioned as they traveled by foot.

Ian hummed in response, the gloomy sky suited him in some way, making him darker and more frightening as if he had belonged here, unlike her, "Your wings must look better than mine, I trust that. I told you I had four wings in total but yours, I can guarantee you would have more than that."

Elise thought about it seriously with a frown, "I don't think it would all fit in my back."