Lost In Trickery-I

Gabriel sought his was through the forest cloaked in black where he had pulled his hood to cover his face and used less of his wings for transport as he knew it would only alarm his brother to know where he had gone. The path he took was dark but all of a sudden it didn't. A large blue fire appeared from the sky and he squinted his eyes only to find out it wasn't only blue fire flying on the sky but a man dressed in the same black coat as the sky that almost turned him invisible. On both his hands were bright blue fires.

Pair of horns that glimmered in a faint green color appeared on the sides of the man's head, warning Gabriel it was a demon. Before Gabriel could ask who it was and which high demon who had accessed blue fire descended to the mortal world and burn the forest, the demon sang, "Gabriel? Angel of truth, the bringer of good news. show where you are. We are here to meet you."