Path To Resurrection-II

Lilith could feel her breath stiffening over the words Maroon said— over his offer of staying with her even through death. On one hand, she, who also wanted to stay with Maroon wanted to agree to his offer but she realized just how selfish she was for doing so. 

"Maroon," Lilith called his name and showed him a smile, "Thank you." 

Maroon couldn't pull Lilith again to his embrace as the next second she had pushed him away from her and closed her eyes. The marks on her wrist turn golden and Lilith closed her eyes, expecting the pain as she was content with everything that she did now. She planned to stay quiet, letting Maroon defeat her before owing somewhere to die without his own knowing but she only realizes how doing so would only hurt him. Therefore she had chose to free herself from the living world and release Maroon for him to look forward to what the future bring.