Angel Of Blood-III

Hell was unchanging thought Elise when her body passed by the gate of Hell. As she learned from Malphas's cousin, her father possessed a mirror that allowed them to teleport at any place in anytime in the speed of light. By the time Elise appeared she noticed they were inside a castle.

Unlike the castles in the mortal world, the castle in Hell was as one expected luxurious but as eerier as how luxurious it was. "Welcome to my mansion," Lucifer chimed as he made a walk toward he large hall where they had appeared at.

So it was Lucifer's castle, thought Elise. In time someone came from the large door behind her. Turing her face, Elise saw behind her father Malphas who ran inside the hall with a bright smile on his lips. "Master! I was worried that you suddenly left when I was making the cake."

"You sound as if I have never left you before, Malphas," Lucifer pushed Malphas by using one finger on top of the servant's head when the latter tried to hug him. "