Eyes On The Glass-I

The thought of rage or anger was foreign to Elise. Not because she couldn't get angry but when people offend her, there had never been the time when rage course to her blood and she lose her composure. She didn't care if she was mocked. Her entire life, Elise had hear every mocking that she never felt anymore pain. But the people had rubbed the wrong sore spot inside her by mentioning Ian even without their own knowing.

"What you want to know is whether I am a human and my grandfather's true granddaughter, is that it?" Her melodic voice brought coldness that was now noticed and the laughter which had been resounding inside the room finally died down. No answer, Elise dully thought. When they berate others, there would not be any hesitant in them but now when she asked, they all went quiet.

She tested the leverage she has as the princess of Hell. It appears though some didn't like her sitting on her own chair, they were also afraid to offend her.