Pitch Black Wings-II

Elise knew the woman was pressuring her and she wasn't going to lie. The woman does pressure her but it wasn't enough to touch her nerve or scare her. While the air was heavy it was breathable and perhaps because Elise had faced her grandfather when he snapped. No one could have worse wrathful anger than him. 

Instead of walking on eggshells, Elise offered the woman a smile and bluntly replied, "After all I am not my grandmother. The difference between us is inevitable."

Lady Caroline's eyes on her continue to stare emotionlessly before a smile suddenly break out on the woman's scare let lips which contrast heavily to her pallid complexion. It was as though a corpse had been painted red by their lips. "I guess my intention is crystal clear to your eyes, your highness princess Elise." The woman then took off her large flared hat as if it was finally time for her to take Elise seriously. "I wonder why you are so calm?"