Everywhere is Fishy-II

Following Ernest,Elise stride toward the large room. Inside there were a few workers who were busy with their own cases, moving their quills and the flipping sounds of pages. As she walked, Elise's stared at all the boxes in the place that was filled with more parchments. Ernest greeted the rest of the church member with a smile and a small talk and it seems that he knew almost everyone inside the room with his friendly greeting.

"Lady Elise," Ernest then said, looking a little hesitant, "I heard about Lord Ian... I don't know what I should tell you... but I'm sorry for your loss."

Elise could feel a sting but she shook her head. She thought about Ernest a little more. The first time they had met was during the written exam she took to become a church member. At the time, she remembered the man had been the one who called her.