Your Heartbeats Against My Ears-II

The waves spread wide like a mountain, wanting to eat her alive. Elise's eyes glared brighter with hint of redness as she raised her hand, letting jet to burst out from her palms, creating a barrier wide enough to cover the boat from being consumed by the waves. While Elise wanted to breathe out in relief, she realized it wasn't the end as the serpent had quickly arrived behind her, rushing toward her. 

Elise clicked her tongue, pushing herself on the other end of the boat and duck down as the serpent was about to take a taste bite on her. During the fight, the creature didn't help her. Instead, he continued to row the boat as if her life didn't matter to him but then Elise didn't expect him to. As she was about to board the boat, he had made it clear to her that her life isn't his protection nor his concern.

And it seemed the creature was also correct about how all the creatures roaming under their boat would only attack the living, in this case, it was her.