Forty Eight Hours-I

Ian had marched into the room as if it was one of the rooms in his castle. The abyss belong to no one but death and God, while the death angels are those who protect and organize the situation inside the abyss at the same time, choosing souls that could pass to the purgatory and those souls which would become a grim reaper

The creature sighed, "Even if it is you two there will be consequences of entering to the abyss or this room."

Ian raised his hand and from the thin air had pulled the rolled scroll to then threw it over the creature. Though the creature seemed very fragile with how his boney hands was covered in molds, to the point that it seems he could be broken at any minutes, he had took the scroll Ian threw in ease and precise time. 

The creature didn't say anything and instead turned to scroll to his sight when he noticed the familiar signature.