Finding You-II

The demons all looked at her askew. Their judging eyes seized Esther's entire figure, wondering which demon was daring enough to call a high demon to ask for their audience. 

"Invitation?" Esther frowned, thinking she didn't have that. "I was only told by Ian that I should come here to meet him."

The entire room once again fell silent, deadly silent.

When someone who was stunned knocked the glass from the corner of the table, causing a loud crash, the bubble of silence finally finally burst.

"I… I will call the Lord here soon, milady. Please take a seat at one of the private room. Laviene," the person who had attended to her need then called for another servant to assist her.

As Esther walked across the room, she could feel the loud silence. Everyone looking at her curiously and she wondered if calling out Asmodeus's name along with Ian's name was a wrong move here as people immediately looked at her as if she had two heads.