Glittering Tears-II

Esther followed where Dalton bring her to. She looked left and right of the barren forest where the trees lack of leaves to give a life into it. Red wold flowers grew over the dry path underneath her shoes. 

"Where are we going to?" Esther questioned, wondering how Dalton could find Beelzebub.

Worse than her, Dalton is a human, someone much weaker compared to the rest of demons living in Hell. Yet miraculously he managed to spend one year in Hell without losing a single limb from his body.

This was a puzzle to Esther and she could only guess the witch that Dalton talk about dearly treasured Dalton enough to help him.

Not to mention, he was able to escape from the gambling house despite the place being crowded by demons and demonic servants. 

"I met a person who had helped me through the span on one year which I spent here in Hell. You might be confused, milady, but I assure you to trust me," Dalton promised.