Guilt Tripping-III

Beelzebub kept his eyes away from Esther throughout the carriage ride that was only whenever her eyes looked anywhere near him. Both of them didn't exchange their gazes but they could feel the attraction of one another's gaze where they keep stealing glances while avoiding to lock sight.

Dalton was the only one watching it and felt awkward. Even though he couldn't see it, he could feel the burning tension in the carriage.

When they got down from the carriage, Esther's eyes locked with Beelzebub who raised his hand as if to offer her to go down before her.

Don't be gentle, thought Esther to herself. The gentler Beelzebub was to her, she could feel her heart stung more in pain.

Esther remain silent as she left the carriage but her pained expression wasn't missed by both Beelzebub and Dalton. As Venervy wasn't with them, the path they took to the church was extremely silent.