
I stared calmly at the being before me. "So...your God right?"

The being was actually kind of creepy looked like a ghost in white robes, he floated like one to, I could only stand there akwardly as he talks to himself, probably hadn't even realized I am here.

"Shit, I knew I shouldn't have punished my daughter like that, luckily she was saved, she really was too beautiful, she almost got herself Raped.


"Yup I continued to stand there akwardly as he talked to himself, the only person I knowwho has done that was my old babysitter miss denvis, I wonder if he is related to her in anyway.

"Luckily, she was saved mortal at the cost of his life, him dying was an anomaly itself I should probably-"


I was getting tired of being ignored, seriously how rude.

I apparently startled him as he jumped, if he is God he's not making a good impression.

I frowned.

"Oh, you startled me, hold on ahem" The being clears his throat before he turns his attention to me and speaks "Greetings Mortal I am the God-king above all Existence, You may call me Ben."

I raised my eyebrow.

"Like uncle Ben?" I asked causing the Godking above all to chuckle, I stared at him for a moment before I shrugged,

"ok, Ben. My name is Adam."

Ben nods his head.

"Okay Adam, since your death was an anomaly because my daughter shouldn't have been in that reality in the first place, You are allowed to reincarnate. Since you had saved my daughter from a Fate worse than death and then death I will give you 3 wishes"

My eyes widened beforeI smiled excitedly

"YES!-I-I mean Ok" I smiled sheepishly before I tell him my wishes.

1- impenetrable mental defense capable of modifying it any way he wants.

2. Unlimited magic reserves, powered by imagination.

3. Pure immortality. to me and My future wife-or wives.

"You really thought this through huh?" Ben asked chuckling ,"very wel, I shall grant you these requests, the last one however, you will stop aging when you reach 30. If you are killed then you shall be brought back to life and be truly immortal, your wives or wife will be the same, they or she will gain it when you mate. It can be taken away if she or they betrayed you "

I was unsure of the last one so I just nod my head.

Ben smiles and snaps his fingers and two holographic screens appear pictures of giving Loki and Some guy with weird clothing that looks like those wizards from Harry potter there both anime they combined changing into someone or something else.

Before I could make out the final picture Ben snaps his fingers again and I blackout

(Flashback End)

Time-skip 23 years later.

It has been a long time since that day, I never would have thought this would happen, now I am married to the love of my life, and I am about to give birth to My child, daughter or son I don't care.

"You did this to me you bastard!" a female's voice shook the entire hospital.

I cringed as my wife quite litteraly crushed my hands with her grip.

"Come on love almost there." I said with a calm expression, ignoring the pain an agony that my hand is going through in attempt to sooth my wife from the pain that she is currently going through right now.

I winced as she let loose another agonizing scream, the doctor that was infront of her gently hold of the baby's tiny feet, the feet.

Once my Wife let loose one final scream, the baby was finally released from her inner body,

My eyes glowed activating my spell X-Ray vision as Iooked for problems in her inners, which there were but I also found it to be healing up quite nicely, Rose always did have a regeneration factor back when we were young.

"Congratulations, it's a girl," the doctor said smiling softly, Rose looked on tired but awestruck as the baby was brought towards her.

"She's beautiful." She said smiling softly.

I nodded in agreement, "Of course she is, she is made from the two of us after all."

I smiled, "Its your turn, have you thought of a name?"

"I have," Rose smile grew. "Welcome to the world of the living..."
