Chapter 4

So this is agent coulson eh?' I thought staring at him, ' he looks a lot younger, than I had seen him on television, how interesting.'

"My name is Adam Black." I introduced politely, "It is a pleasure to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine ." He replied causing me to raise an eyebrow, but said nothing.

I guestured for Mr. coulson to come in and he did he followed me to a table.

Coulson eyed Jean with curiosity,

"So sheild huh," I asked "what does. that stand for?"

"Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate"

"That is quite the mouthful." said Rose.

"We get that a lot."Coulson replied.

"So, why are you here?" I asked

Agent Coulson began explaining, leaving a lot of context out, what sheild was, what it stood for, and why he came to us, he explained the offer and the benefits of working for sheild.

"Right...." I drawled me and Rose exchanged glances "Uh, can you give us a minute?" Rose asked Coulson nodded,

We went into the back room.

"I don't trust them," Rose said to me "they weren't being. straight with us."

I nodded "Yes even I could tell, although he wasn't telling lies he wasn't being truthfull either."

Rose nodded," But he did bring up some good points two, but why should we need them when we could take care of it ourselves."

I chuckled, "my my someones confident, what happened to my extremely shy Rosy."

She glared playfully at me, "Oh shush you prat, with all the crap that had happened to us over the years, and had over come it, could you blame me?"

But of course, they could keep bothering us, I could completely destroy them. but that would make it out to the public, and that would be completely annoying.

I smirked "Yes I can." I got a playful slap to the shoulder in response.


"We are going to have to say no to that." I told him. as we walked back in to meet agent coulson waiting patiently,

"But of something happens like aliens coming to invade our planet, or some country, leveling threat. then by all means, contact us."

"According to our data, you are not qualified for that level of a threat." Coulson replied.

I raised an eyebrow at that and Rose covered her mouth to hide her giggles, at the absurdity of that statement.

"Right.." I drawled, "well it was nice meeting you," I led him out to the door before I closed it. shut.

"Not qualified." Rose snickered "That was the funniest joke I have ever heard in years."

I smiled, Today has been an interesting day

Jean made an alarming burping nose before she started to cry.

I looked at Rose, who shook her head,and smirked, I groaned.
