Dance with a Demon

*Saturday Morning*

Over the last few days Makaila had busied her mind between dress fittings, ball arrangements and society graces she would need to know while in the company of so my socialites. She had tried to cloud her mind over from the brief encounter she had had with Cole. Though every night she dreamt of him; envisioned them tangled in a bloody fight as their nails clawed and ripped at each others skin. It always ended with one of them dying and the other laughing manically over the other as they claimed victory.

This night was no different, though she had found herself the loser of their ongoing battle. She sprang awake, sweat dripping down her face and neck as she breathed heavy; chest heaving up and down as she slowly calmed and returned to the reality of this world.

It was early morning, the grey hue of the day barely seeping into her room as the sun was just beginning to rise. She wasn't going to be able to fall back to sleep, so she slowly got out of her bed and went to sit in a long hot bath. She filled the tub with the boiling water before sinking her body into his burning caress. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander as she relaxed and sank into the water's depth.

By the time she was pulled from her thoughts, the water had become like ice. There standing beside her now and calling to her was one of the maids. She let her empty eyes fall over to her with a nonchalant expression. "Good morning Miss. White, I had come to wake you, but it seems like you are already awake. Your father has asked that we make you ready for today and prepare you for the ball." Makaila sighed to this and nodded. She disliked being touched by anyone and being pampered was nice, but the trade of having people's hands all over her was not enough for her. As she stood bare to the woman, leaving the tub, the maid didn't hesitate to grab a towel and wrap it around her quickly. Makaila did the rest, making sure to dry off before finally responding to the poor woman. "Fine, give me a moment to fully awake, dry myself, and then I will place my robe on before coming down for some food. I will not be manhandled until I have at least eaten something first."

The maid was apprehensive to oblige her the demand, but bowed and left anyways. This gave Makaila the time she needed to prepare herself and the others for the day to come. Drying off, she placed her hair up into a messy bun, knowing it would be fixed in another fashion soon enough, and then placed a night gown on followed by a thick wool robe and slippers. She made her way down stairs to the dining room, where she found her father already sitting.

Like herself, he too was in a robe, probably going to get ready himself after breakfast. He turned his eyes upon her and gave a polite smile to her. "Good morning my dove, up early as well I see. The maid told me she found you in a bath already. Good, being bathed will make it easier. After breakfast, you will have your hair, make up and gown placed on. I expect you understand the importance of this night?" Makaila nodded as she slid into her chair and looked to the plate of food that was already there for her. "Yes I do. I will make sure it is treated as such from all of us." She set to eating her food as she fell silent, her father taking the hint and falling in the same fashion.

They both sat silently eating, enjoying the calm moment they had before their home would be taken over by musing woman and grabbing hands. She made sure to make it last, eating as slowly as she could. The last few bites she was taking only proving this as her lips were met with cold food. She grumbled as the last of it was finished, feeling his eyes turned up on her. She simply nodded as she stood up from the table, politely being excused and headed to her room, preparing for the ambush that was about to fall upon her.

It truly didn't take long as 4 woman entered her room without even knocking. They gawked at her beauty, commenting on her flawless skin and curved form. But their eyes held the real truth to them. There was jealously and envy behind them, the real truth of their words. Makaila despised the lying, but said nothing as she sat on her vanity stool and let them set to work.

They pulled and tugged at her hands and feet, painting her nails to a soft lavender. It was to compliment the gown she had, though the color was hideous in Makaila's eyes. Once they had finished, they went to de-robing her and lathering her porcelain skin with a rose scented lotion. It made Makaila nauseous and forced her to close her eyes. This only added to the annoyance of their hands being all over her, a soft growl erupting from her lips as she could no longer hold herself back from the anger that was filling her. The woman stepped back, giving pause to their work at her outburst, allowing Makaila time to recover and open her eyes to him and politely apologize for her behavior.

The eternity of grabbing hands finally passed by after a few hours. They hadn't even touched at her hair yet and Makaila was already over the pampering. She was more than willing to finish from here, but she knew better and had prepared for this day and the events of what would happened on it. She was grateful though to be given a break before continuing it. It seemed to be lunch time and she hurried from their grasps the moment the maid came to let her know of food that was waiting for her down stairs. She was still placing her robe back on and closing it as she raced down the steps, closing it tight as she slid into the chair, almost falling out of it. She knew once she was seated here, no one would touch her again until she left.

She had spent almost an hour in her chair, avoiding the fact of having to go and do her hair. It was her father who finally dragged her away from the table at the musing and huffing of the impatient woman who were grooming her. For the next several hours she sat as they pulled and tugged at her waist length blonde hair; sculpting it to perfection. Pins and ties placed in every inch of her head as they put her hair into a neat french twist. It exposed her neck, allowing for eyes to wander down to her delicate shoulders; all per her father's request.

It was now a quarter past 5, and according to her father's logic, they were both already late even with the ball not starting until 7. Quickly she was changed into the lilac mermaid gown that had been fitted to her form, had her earrings placed on, shoved into her silver thin heels, and hurried down stairs to her father. She took him in arm as he walked her to the car and helped her in before seeing himself inside. They were driven there in silence as her eyes scanned over the streets of New York and tried to prepare her mind for the evening to come.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hours were passing by so slowly, it was only 9 o'clock, and the ball wasn't even close to being over. She was told to stay near the dance floor, leaving her father to meet and greet those who came. Her whole role was to look like a prize to be won and to keep out of their grasps until the perfect suitor came along. And based off the way eyes loomed and ate at her body, she surly felt like one.

Senators, their sons, council members of New York, even the govern's three sons' were here. It was turning out to be a big event, but from the whispers she was hearing around the room, they were here to measure up the young woman who was being called the jewel of New York. It seems she had been right so many years ago when she told her father she would only get prettier.

She had been taken to the dance floor, turning her head to the side as the gentlemen danced with her, trying to sweep her off her feet both literally and figuratively. She was only half listening to him as he spoke to her, her mind scanning for an easy target. There had to be someone her father would settle for that she could easily manipulate, and unlike this man, wouldn't be a total disgrace to be around. As the song came to an end, she politely excused herself and went off to find her father.

It didn't take her long to find him and begin the chatter between the two of them on who she should spend more time with and develop a courtship with. Once they had settled on a couple of suitors that her father felt were reasonable and she felt she could control, he set off to find them and bring them to her for a small mingle session.

This gave her some time to herself. She appreciated it as she was starting to feel overwhelmed and wanted some time to calm her mind and the screaming voices. Being touched and hovered over wasn't making them happy, and this time to have some solace was just a small way to get them back into order. She had closed her eyes to rest and focus her mind when a hand came slinking around her waist and dragging her out to the dance floor once more.

None of the men here had dared to do this without asking permission, and her eyes shot open to see the man who had dared to grab her in such a demanding way. Her violet eyes only widen in shock as they looked up to the man she had been dreaming about the last few nights. There was Cole Conteville; his bright red eyes dancing with delight and excitement as he stared down to her, taking her in to the traditional dancing stance and leading her. He was dressed nicer than before, showing more of being an upper class member than he had lead her to believe from before.

This whole moment was caked with stunned astonishment to her and the whispers of the crowd around them as they danced didn't help to her shock. 'Demon' 'Look..look its the demon of NYC' 'Those red eyes, it has to the be the demon' Their scared and worried voices carried around the ball room, though mere whispers. Makaila was helpless in his arms as she fought to strike at him, having to keep her appearance up. All she could do was follow and force her face into a calm and empty expression. But she couldn't lie in her eyes, true rage and hunger lay behind them as Mak screamed in pure hatred in her mind and forcefully had her clench her hands tightly into his; drawing blood as her nails pierced through the skin.

Cole didn't flinch as his smile only grew as her nails sank deeper. He growled softly, his chest rumbling with a hunger that matched her own. He leaned into her ear, whispering with a malicious tone. "You keep that up, and we are really going to put on a show in front of all these people. I don't mind at all." She finally released her nails from him in defiance and scoffed to him. She quickly turned her gaze from his, looking out to the crowd and finding her father glaring in anger towards them. She sighed before trying to pry from his grasp and whispering in that same beastly tone. "Let me go, this dance is done."

He only pulled her in closer, making it easier for him to whisper into her ear more. His tone had changed though, becoming soft and angelic. "Don't make the wrong choice now. This is the last chance I am giving you. Come with me, join my family. Be everything I know you can be. If you don't, after tonight you will be sealing yourself into this cage your trapped in and no one will be able to break you free from it." He pulled from her ear, locking his gaze to hers as their noses were just an inch from each others. "You will be free. All I ask is you do what you do best."

Makaila was lost in those eyes, unaware of the fact he now held her in a deep dip and had his body pressed to hers. She didn't know what to say to his small speech. All she ever wanted was freedom, but what was that anyways? And what did he know that she didn't? She could manipulate anyone.....couldn't she? She stayed there in his grasp as the world faded around her and the voices began to speak to each other. Her mind was slowly falling into darkness. For reasons unknown, she felt like she was going to pass out. It took all that she had to whisper back her answer.

In the distance of the darkness, all she could hear was shouting and screaming as her body felt like it was floating away. Her eyes shut as she finally succumbed to the pull of sleep; the ball room fading out of view and the screaming voices of the crowd disappearing as she went into whatever sleep this was.