Family, Freedom and a New Beginning

Makaila awoke, her mind foggy and hazed over as if she had been hit too many times. Letting her mind race, she tried to recall what had happened at the event. A blur coming over her as she fought to remember the dance with Cole....and her answer. She struggled to focus her eyes through the darkness of the room around her, slowly adjusting to find the ball room was long gone.

Searching around with her eyes she discovered she was in a dimly lit conference room. Before her was an intricately etched cherry oak table that held 12 chairs and lay in the center of the room consuming most of it. Beneath her was a leather couch that oddly was out of place. There was stab marks and blood stains on it, giving it an old and out dated appearance. Nothing like the clean polished wood of the table. She raised a brow as her eyes scanned around, looking to see barren walls that like the couch carried marks of being aged and worn from lack of care for. Directly across from her was a large cabinet, glass doors shattered and exposing trinkets of all kinds that also lay dented and broken. She slightly jumped at the sudden sound of someone chuckling, being taken away from her mind of reading over the mysterious room. Her head twisted quickly to find the source, landing on the form immediately.

Just at the other end of the table lay another elegantly polished desk that was pressed against it at the head. It matched the long table perfectly and carried the form of Cole as he lay back relaxed and chuckling as his red eyes kept a steady lock to her. His feet were kicked up onto the desk and he sat leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head slightly propping him up as he looked to her with a wild smile. "Curious beast I see. Good, use it." He gave a boisterous laugh before kicking down his feet from the desk with a sudden thud. He slumped over with a tired canter as he reached over to ruffle her hair before continuing his tired stroll from the room. "V and Red will be in soon. Play nice with them. Their your family now Psy."

She growled lowly at the hair ruffling and tightened her gaze in an angered squint, watching him leave. Her mouth was left hanging open as she went to rebuttal against him, though there was no one there as he slipped out the door without anything more to say. He had left her there confused and bewildered in this unfamiliar room. So she let her eyes scan once more, taking everything to memory she could in this room.

The sound of two people arguing broke her concentration as she turned her head to the door. She tilted her face as she strained to the ever nearing conversation. "Nah mate, I bet she some runt he found." The voice was husky, aged and carried a heavy accent. Who ever it was, was clearly rough around the edges "Red, it doesn't matter. If he choose them, they are family." The one responding held a charm to them, clearly more refined compared to his counter part. With a softer and richer voice, it carried like silk in the air and rang gently on her ears. "Oy, this one is a girl though! He ain't never had a girl join! Aren't ye even a tad bit curious V?" The sound of a heavy sigh could be heard before two men came walking into the office and paused suddenly at the door. Their gazes set on her like two deer frozen in panic.

The man on the left was shorter than the other, but by no means was he short. Based simply on appearance he had to be the rougher one of the two. He stood looming in height compared to many Makaila had seen and carried huge bulging muscles all across him. He wore a baggy suit that had the arm's sleeves ripped away, and was clearly a size or two bigger than what was needed as if to hide his large form; though it seemed to no success. His face was covered in an unkempt messy beard that curled in random places giving a matted appearance and hid his lips; giving mystery to any expressions or emotions he might be holding. Those eyes were his only tell; they held a crazy excitement behind them, one of hunger, want and a familiar blood lust.

The other man was taller, though thin in comparison to the other. He was muscular though and was clearly defined for his body type. It wasn't hard to see he held an athletic frame with the tailored suit that clung tightly to his form. His ebony skin glistened with smooth touch, only enhanced with the clean shave he seemed to keep. Looking to his eyes, they were a deep brown to any who glanced at him. But to her, looking deep into the dead expression behind them, held the rich red that was hidden behind the chocolate lust that was his charm. Every bit of him screamed a lady's man, but his body language told Makaila more...predator. He kept a softer expression, smiling to her with a kind look that masked the darker intentions in him. He was the first to approach her, coming over and stretching his hand out. "I'm Isaac, but most of the family calls me V."

Oddly, looking between the two, she felt a sense of familiarity and comfort from them. Like herself, they seemed different. The crazed want, dead expressions and hidden intentions was a welcome to her. But even with that, her mind had to be cautious; danger came with them and she wasn't sure what this 'family' was about. Finally looking to his hand, she reached out shaking it lightly as only her fingers laced into his grasp. She knitted her eyebrows closely together before lifting her gaze to meet his eyes, her heart pounding with fury, "Makaila." Swiftly she slipped her hand from his before letting her eyes set back on the other man once again, seeing his eyes dancing with a mischievous smile in them as that deep accented voice slipped out from behind his hidden lips. "Oy lass welcome to the Conteville Mob! Your gonna have a blast!"

She looked to him, reading him over for a moment. The look in his eyes was a queue she knew to well. It sparked her instincts as she slowly stood up. Her body swayed as her hands grabbed at her hair and pulled down the french twist; blonde locks falling down and over her shoulders. Turning her gaze, she let her eyes crawl slowly down V's body as they ate away at him. She could feel V's eyes doing the same, ripping away at the dress she wore with an envious grin and charming canter. She winked to him, giving the allure she had over all men, seeing it work as their gazes locked and held to one another. Her mind raced and roared at her. Playing her part, she never missed a beat; her hand gently touched at his shoulder as she fully stretched out her arm. V was hooked as his kept that locked eye contact, reaching out to grab her waist. Her eyes shifted with rage as she grinned wickedly to him, Mak now in control and ready to play.

The movement was smooth and fluid, her elbow coming in hard into his side, aiming at the kidney and landing with painful impact. Isaac doubled over in pain, his hands grabbing at his side as he groaned and staggered back. Keeping that flow, she stepped off to the left, sprinting towards the door as the sounds of her heels clicking across the hard wood floor filled the room. The grizzly standing there looked ready to grab her, his own face reflecting a playful yet deadly expression as his hands stretched out at her while she raced forward. She knew instantly that wasn't a fight she was going to win and had no intentions of doing so. She kept her movement going as she hiked up her dress, ripping as the bottom and freeing her legs. Just as she edged closer to him, she bent down, using her force to carry her between his legs and out to freedom. He was no fool to the attempt though, only getting him to laugh while he bent down and had his fingers interlock into her hair. She screamed out as she felt the tug of the strands pull on her scalp and her hands went to his wrists instantly. She had never stopped from her movement, still sliding across the floor between his legs as she kept that grasp upon him. She used this momentum and the little weight she had to drag him with her between his legs. He had no choice as he released her hair from his fingers to catch himself and try to keep from tucking and falling. She slipped passed him, going into the wall with a thud as she looked over to his crumpled form. He was already getting himself up; coughing and laughing like a maniac as he picked his large form off the wood floor.

Without any hesitation she clambered to her feet as the familiar sound of the her heels reached over her ears. Sweat had begun to drip down her forehead, stinging her eyes as she focused and ran, seeing a door in the distance. Her lungs burned as she inhaled deeply for air; she ignored the stinging sensation though, as the men bounding after her overpowered her clicking heels and filled the hallway of the home. She vaguely heard their voices, the sound of anger and arguing evident in their tone. She couldn't make out what they were saying, her mind focused as she sprinted to freedom. All she caught was the clear shouting of, "DON'T HURT HER! YOU HEAR ME?!" and it was enough to send her into her primal aggression and fear. Her mind was racing more than ever now as she questioned her safety; and the man's ever growing laughter as he edged closer to her only gave flight to her already out of control heart pounding. She wasn't about to be caught though, and her eyes quickly scanned for an answer to this needed freedom. Off to her right was that answer. There, as if planned by the fates was a window just large enough for her to tuck and jump though. She pushed through the fatigue she was starting to feel wash over her body, trying to pick up speed as she prepared for her next drastic move. Just as she came with in view, she swiveled to the right, lounged through the air, and tucked her body just as she was colliding with the glass and wooden frame.

'CRASH!' erupted through the air as glass shattered and wood gave way to the weight of her body. She landed thudding to the ground, gasping as she became winded from the sudden lose of air. For a moment she laid there motionless, no air coming to her. It was only once she got that air that her body jolted as she gasped and her eyes widen from the shock. Slowly she rolled over the shattered glass and wood as she staggered to her feet, trying to get her barrings again. A rusty, metallic smell filled her nose as she looked to her arms seeing the red liquid dripping down to her elbows. She brushed off any loose glass from her arms as she could as she swayed. Her eyes shot around in a rapid motion, locking to the street ahead. Freedom! She stumbled forward as she went to run, taking a second to find her feet and begun to sprint off. The burning in her lungs was gone, now replaced with a throbbing pain as her vision had blurred around the edges. Time was moving slowly for her; what had only taken her a few seconds had felt like hours as she reached the front yard, just inches away from her feet meeting the concrete sidewalk. She could hardly see as she grinned widely, seeing her freedom before her and claiming an early victory. Her safety had to come first and fear was keeping her pushing through the exhausting and painful fatigue that was eating away at her as she ran.

She hadn't noticed the large grizzly who had caught up to her, too busy claiming something that wasn't hers. He collided full force with a loud crunch of their bodies meeting each other. The sound filled her ears and begun to buzz as she found herself blinded as his skull met hers. Both had went soaring through the air from the sheer force, falling against the ground with a bone cracking smack. She felt the scrapping of her skin as more pain erupted down her side as they slid upon the abrasive asphalt. She coughed out as the air once again was pushed from her already straining lungs and she lay pinned beneath the man's body.

She wanted to struggle from him, she wanted to get up and run once more, but her body had no more to give as she lay there suffocating from lack of air. His weight pressing to her as her lungs tried to heave. Her face was still pressed to the ground as she struggled to her turn her gaze, an awkward movement sending pain down her neck and to her side as her eyes finally looked to Isaac. He was doubled over, holding at his knees as he looked down to her with a fierce grin that stretched across his face. Like the other man, his eyes held that crazed hunger she was fearing. He huffed and gasped for air as he stood there looking to her, wheezing from the chase. "Fast one. Did not see the jump out of the window coming. Good move. If you hadn't been slowed from the fall you might have gotten farther."

Her body jolted again as a gust of air filled her lungs and sent the searing pain of relief into them. The heavy bodied man had finally lifted himself from her and was already pulling her from the ground and to her feet. She staggered and swayed there, feeling her knees buckle from under her as she went hurling back down. His giant hand catching her on her shoulder, stopping her from the fall and pulling her into him. She growled weakly to them, having no choice as she leaned into the man to keep herself standing. Her face shifted as tiredness and anger was all she could feel; pain no more than a memory as she fought through it and simply ignored it. She wouldn't show pain if they were going to hurt her further, no weakness ever. She weakly clenched her fists, gritting her teeth as she bared them at them in a grizzly yet soft manner. "Do your worse."

Hisses of laughter erupted from them at her words as they merely pushed her forward and back towards the home. His hand stand planted firmly on her shoulder as he kept her close and supported her weight through the twisted halls of the mansion. There was little she could do as she followed, tripping over her feet and being caught repeatedly. Her mind was in a haze as she tried to fight the fatigue and pain that was engulfing her quickly now that the adrenaline had worn off.

They came to a beaten door; bullet holes and blade markings engraved into the lackluster wood. It creaked as Isaac shoves it open, exposing the basic bedroom. There wasn't much there, each piece of furniture carrying the same lackluster appeal as the door. She could feel a second wind coming on, her hands easily curling into white knuckled fists as growled more fiercely now. "What is this?!" "This is your new bedroom. Every new member of the family gets a room here until they can get their own place. The mob is the family and the family is the mob." Isaac held that matter of fact tone as his hand waved haphazardly through the air and showcased the room to her. His eyes slowly spun back to her and smug look falling across his face. "And you little bird, are new and some how very special. Red and I are babysitting you on behave of Cole. Until you calm down, and can be civil and.... not crash through windows, you will be staying here in this room. Rest well little bird."

She sprang forward, turning on her heel as she went to strike now, but was caught with laughter as she banged into the door. "Aye, you settle down now lass. You'll only be there for a short time if ye calm downs quick." There came that laughter again, but this time mockingly. She growled as she stood there, listening to the echo of the laughs clouding her mind. She pounded on the door in fury before banging on her head as the laughter wouldn't fade. It sent her spiraling in rage as she mumbled to herself and stumbled back into the dresser; before long she went into a wild and feral state. She grabbed at the nearest object, tossing it with all her strength across the room. There was no sound that reached her ears as she fell into that darkens psychosis; only watching as the lamp slowly shattered sending the porcelain pieces exploding out in all directions and land like feathers on to the carpeted floor. Her hand folded to her stomach as she doubled in laughter and laid a hand over her now deranged looking face.

Her eyes lit up with crazed hunger as she peered through her fingers, eyeing the room with an untethered blood lust. Laughing maniacally, she sprang our into the room, hands reaching with a greedy need. Everything she touched, everything she saw was quickly destroyed as she ripped, shattered or flung it across the room. As manic laughter sang through the air, she danced and twirled about as she let her mind run away with her. She had let her anger build and let her fear guide her as she truly broke at this moment. For now she would let this anger out; continuing her hurricane of destruction and crazed ambition. All through the night she carried on in this manner, no end to her rampage in sight.