Chapter Nine

Petunia was now waiting in the Great hall for her name to be called by Professor McGonagall. Petunia thought about the events earlier today. Lily and her mother were crying about her leaving while her dad held it in.

When Lily decided to let her out of her strong hug, Petunia went on her way. Right if the bat she met different Pureblood who looked at her clothing in distaste. Not giving them the upper hand, she merely stared them down the same way.

They seemed to quickly back down while still giving her ugly stares. Petunia then found a compartment closest to the exit so that she could leave as soon as possible.

In the compartment, a young boy joined her. She assumed he was a first-year like her. He introduced himself to be Newt Passel. He was a half-blood, it seemed his father was obsessed with Newt Scamander.

Petunia knew as a fan of the Harry Potter series who he was and what he did but pretending to be the muggle-born that she was she acted like it was someone she didn't know.

Petunia found that he was very kind although he was a half-blood he grew up away from muggles. He lived like a pureblood financially but, was raised with much love.

The boy was polite and amused Petunia by his awkwardness. Petunia acted a bit cold and aloof. If he asked her questions, she would answer as short as possible.

"EVANS, PETUNIA," Leaving Newt with a small goodbye smile she walked up the chair and sat down. 'mmm... interesting certainly, a mind that searches for knowledge,'

"RAVENCLAW" there was aloud applause from the Raven claw table. Petunia looked at Newt and shot him a wink. Newt caught the gesture started turning pink. Petunia joined the Ravenclaw table and was immeadiatly overheard by other first years about her experience so far.

"PASSEL, NEWT," Petunia looked up to the chair. Newt sat down and got sorted into Hufflepuff. Petunia had expected no less. Looking at Newt who sat down at the Hufflepuff table and looked at her direction, Petunia noticed how cute he was. His sandy brown hair was dishevelled and, his soft green eyes seemed full of innocence.

Petunia was sure to keep him a friend after all if she played her cards right, she could complete one goal quicker than she had first thought.

After the feast had finished and Headmaster Dumbledore gave his speech it was time to go to the dorms. Petunia followed along with this other muggle-born girl named Grace Flicher.

The girl was very talkative and, Petunia engaged as a proper peer would. After all, Petunia had goals to complete and being a prefect and, Head girl was very crucial to the plan.

The walked up different stairs and then finally reached the Ravenclaw tower. In front of the entrance, the door spoke "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? "

The male prefect spoke up and said "an echo," The door opened letting the students enter. One by one, the first year came to stand in the common room.

"Hello first-years, you will all be put into dorms the left side is for the boys and, the right side is for the girls. You will be sharing the dorms with one other person so choose wisely because you will not change roommates unless you become a prefect or head girl or boy, is that understood."

Everyone nodded and, without hesitation Grace dragged her to the first dorm they could find and entered. Plopping herself on the bed closest to the window Petunia, laid down.

She exhausted already, it was just her first day. Petunia decided to chat a little bit with Grace before changing in her PJs to sleep. On the outside, it looked like Petunia was sleeping but, in reality, she was not. Petunia noticed the moment she entered Hogwarts there were Magical particles everywhere.

Now grabbing as much as she could Petunia felt excited. This was her very first time gathering energy of such a big amount. They were all so colourful. Petunia soon felt her excitement go down as she now felt exhausted.

Feeling drowsy Petunia fell asleep ready for the next day.