Chapter Ten

Petunia woke up feeling refreshed. This always happened after gathering energy. She got out of bed and went into the shared showers. In the Ravenclaw dorms, you will have to share your dorm with lesser people but this also meant you would need to share your showers.

After a quick shower and dressing up Petunia went back to the dorm, Grace was now awake and dressed up. "Ah, Petunia you back! Are you ready to eat breakfast because I am so ready, I mean this is amazing right going to Hogwarts to learn MAGIC. I can't wait-"

Grace was very talkative and, this was normal for her. Since yesterday she had been clinging on to Petunia talking about how she loved the idea of magic and how she was excited to study it.

Walking down to the great hall Petunia noticed that she was now surrounded by girls from the Ravenclaw dorm. They were all talking to Petunia and Grace it seemed that they unconsciously became the leaders of the group. Petunia was aloof but smart and, Grace was the just the kind talkative know-it-all.

The new girls were Servia Rones, Libby Oakwood, Verda Rook and Pandora Woodwork. Pandora was the future mother of Luna Lovegood. It seemed that Xenophilius Lovegood was the year above us.

The books never said what the maiden name was of Pandora but, it seemed that it was Woodwork. After speaking a bit with Pandora, she came to know the girl as headstrong and very creative. Her father was a muggle-born, whose occupation was writing about spellwork and her mother was a pureblood who was born in Scotland but raised in America.


The rest of the day went by in a flash for Petunia. She had gotten her schedule and went on to her lessons. For the first day she had, Transfiguration, Herbology, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Art and lastly Charms.

Although it was the first day Petunia got homework for all her classes today. She ended at three so afterwards, she quickly rushed to the library.

Grace, Libby, Verda and Servia went with her to the library while Pandora went to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom to get her notes. Unsurprisingly, Pandora was very bad with placing things.

As promised Petunia went to the jinx sections immediately. The other girls who already set their stuff down at some of the desks seemed surprised and confused as to why she would need to go to the Jinx section.

Petunia looked through the book and finally found the perfect one. Jinxes and minxes for your enemies. Grabbing the book she had quick peek and, found the tickling jinx, blast jinx, skin colouring jinx, hair jinx, and way more.

Going back to her desk "Petunia, why did you take a jinx book?" Libby asked in a confused tone. Petunia merely replied by saying "You will find out soon enough,". Libby shared a frightened look with the rest of the girls but they kept quiet.

Petunia went to work on all her essays starting with the easiest. Petunia had three hours till Dinner and after that two hours till bedtime. First starting with her herbology essay about fungi and it's characteristics.

grabbing her coursebook she started steadily working on it and finished the two-foot essay in thirty minutes, maybe it was because she was practically an adult that she was able to finish quickly. Nevertheless, she continued with her second essay Defence Against the Dark Arts explaining the difference between curses and jinxes. Finishing that essay ten minutes late that the first.

Petunia started growing tired, she just stretched her back until she heard a few cracks. Looking at the other girls, they were fully focused on their work.

"PETUNIA!!" turning around to the sound of the high pitched voice, she saw Newt running right for her and Madam Pince taking quick long strides behind him in an angry manner. "Hi!" Newt said a bit out of breath.

Petunia could even respond because Madam prince arrived. "You dare SHOUT in my library both of you out until you finish your chat." She whisper screamed.

Petunia had no choice to go outside for at least ten minutes. Signing she left with Newt who seemed extremely guilty. Petunia felt Newt to be extremely cute.

"So what did you want to say?" Petunia asked in a calm voice. She would usually use this voice on Lily when she broke something. Unexpectantly, Lily is very clumsy when it comes to vases. Every time she is near a vase it will break.

"Um... I just wanted to say hi, because I haven't seen you since the train," he said while his ears turned red.

Unable to hold her giggles Petunia started laughing like crazy. While Petunia was laughing Newt turned even redder and put his hands in front of his face.

"Come on Passel, I still need to do some studying-" Before Petunia could even finish her sentence, a tall blonde boy walked in on their conversation. He had proud expression and sneered at Petunia "Ahhh look what we have here a filthy mud-blood" he said with clear disdain in his voice.

Petunia did not even face him She just turned to Newt and said "Mmm... Newt it seems that there is a bug here. let's go back to the library," she said in a tone filled with contempt.

Petunia quickly walked in the library but it seemed the pure-blood came out of his stupor and screamed "You dare to call me a bug you FILTHY MUD-BLOOD," he screamed as he rushed in the library with his wand raised towards her.

Madam Pince was right in front of them when they opened the door so she heard exactly what happened. Furious she rushed to the Pure-blood with his wand raised. Under her pointed glare, he seemed to slowly crumble his anger turning to fear.


The usually quiet and easily agitated witch seemed to have fully lost her cool. Petunia had the most surprised look on her face. She would have never guessed that such a woman would scream.

Her face which was usually as pale as parchment turned flushed and she dragged the boy out. Just before the pure-blood left did Petunia see that he wore Gryffindor robes.

Signing she now that she thought about she should not have judged the Slytherins for being the only ones who are discriminating. There are a lot of people in different houses who are pureblooded and discriminate.

It seemed that while Petunia was thinking she zoned out because, Newt and grace were shaking her, while Libby and Servia were calling her name. Verda was about to get Madam Pomfrey.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Petunia reassured everyone. She was later asked to go to the Headmasters office. Apparently, the Gryffindor Pureblood was called David Macmillian and he had done this to more muggle-born students. The headmaster had him have three months worth of detention and he apologize to Petunia.

Petunia knew that if there was a swearword like mud-blood for purebloods and she used it on one, she would be expelled. However, due to pureblood privilege, David was not. On the inside, it agitated her but she knew that at the moment she could do nothing about it.

In the end, he did reluctantly apologise. Petunia just accepted his fake apology, she knew if she made a scene she would be the one in trouble. She just made a mental note herself to jinx David Macmillian at least 20 times with the puking slugs jinx.

Unlike others, she would not leave any clues behind because that would just reveal one's card. No Petunia was going to make sure he knew it was her and made sure he could do anything about it.