Chapter Eleven

After Petunia left the headmaster's office, she walked to the library finished her assignments and started her plan of revenge. You couldn't lend books from the library unless you became a prefect, head boy or head girl.

So instead she took notes on jinxes, that are the most humiliating and painful. Starting, with the stinging jinx. After an hour of careful deliberation and thoughts. Petunia got herself a list of different jinxes which will ensure her safety as well as hurt people like David.

The jinx's Petunia decided to write down were the Stinging Jinx, Cracker Jinx, Jelly-brain jinx, Cascading Jinx, Ebublio jinx, Melofors jinx, Knockback jinx and the multi-shot jinx.

She wrote the instructions and effects of every jinx down. However, by the time she finished, she had a frightened roommate and scared looking Ravenclaws. Even Newt, who had joined them in studying after the incident seemed scared of her.

"What's wrong? Why do you all look so frightened?" Petunia asked in a calm voice. "Who... Who do you plan on using those jinxes on?!" Grace whisper -yelled.

Petunia gave her a small smile and, with unreadable eyes, she answered "For those who reap what they sow," The group seemed to nod, frightened by Petunia's answer.

Since it was almost dinnertime Petunia, gathered her stuff and signalled the group to follow. They all packed their bags and followed. It seemed after intensive studying for hours on end had exhausted the poor First-years. Even Petunia felt tired and, she was mentally an adult plus, she studied all the course books multiple times.

It seemed they were one fo earlier ones to enter the hall. Saying goodbye to Newt who went to the Hufflepuff table, Petunia sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

The food was already on the table and Petunia started digging in. She grabbed some mashed potato, gravy and a steak. On the side, she took some salad and veggies.

Feeling thirsty after her third bite, she went to grab the carafe filled with water. It seemed she was not the only one reaching for it. Her hand touched the hand of another first year. Chase Flocks, he was the son of a famous Quidditch player from the Chudley Cannons. Who was currently the best team of England winning the quidditch league multiple times in a row!

Chase had handsome features. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. His complexion was a bit tan and, she assumed it was from playing quidditch all summer.

He was currently taller than Petunia which, was in a way shocking because Petunia was one of the tallest girls of her year. "Here give me your cup and, I will pour water in for you," He said with a heavy English accent.

She grabbed her cup and watched him pour the water. "Thank you," Petunia muttered as she started drinking her water. Dinner quickly finished and, so came dessert. When Petunia saw the chocolate cakes, she was immeadiatly sold.

She started grabbing small pieces of all the chocolate cakes and was quick to shove it in her mouth. There was one thing that could make Petunia cry, having chocolate cakes in front of her but not being able to eat them.

Grinning stupidly to herself she savoured the last few bites of her last chocolate cake. Chase Flocks who sat opposite of her, started laughing out loud. Seeing Petunia's face right now, broke his first impression of her.

When he first saw her blank and collected face, he thought she would be a serious person. If he was honest, he was very intimidated at first by her collected appearance. Despite that now he feels she was cute.

Disturbed by his interrupting laughs, Petunia gave him a small glare. Seeing that her glare made him laugh, even more, she returned to her cake while ignoring his presence.


Dinner had finished and, Petunia walked out of the Great hall and saw none other than David Macmillan himself. He was with a group of friends but excused himself, saying her had to take a piss.

Petunia which was walking with Grace at the time said she had to go to the toilet and followed behind Macmillian. Staying true to her words, she was going to make him suffer.

After dinner, students would most to the time goes to the dormitories to use the toilet there. This meant that usually, no one was around the lavatories spread around the school. Seeing that they were indeed alone

Petunia thought about the instruction of the book.

Waiting for him to open the door to the lavatory, Petunia waited around the corner. Just as he as about the enter Petunia softly whispered "Melofors" While keeping her wand pointed at the back of Macmillian's head.

Surprised by the sudden Predicimant he was in he was started screaming and wringing his hands in between the pumpkin trying to get it off his head. Unfortunately, for him, even the professors left to their respective chambers.

There was no one but them. Feeling someone creep up on him, David started thrashing his body around trying, to get away from his attacker. Once again he was hit by a spell. He felt himself fly away from to ground hitting the wall hard.

His attacker once again came closer to him and hit him with wizard's crackers. He knew the spell for that one as he used it on many muggle-born students. David knew he was injured, but because of the adrenaline, he did not know how bad.

Scared he started shivering, he felt parchment hit his hand. He heard the footsteps of his attacker become further and further away. After not hearing any more footsteps, he hit his head on the wall creating another creak in the pumpkin. Which allowed him out of the pumpkin.

He looked at the parchment forced in his hand. It was neatly folded, he softly opened it.

"Those who reap what they sow should expect to be hurt,"

Do not let me see you hurt muggle-borns again.

- Karma