Chapter Twelve

Months had passed since the incident and, it was exam time. Petunia was currently laying in bed slowly, breathing in and out. The next day exams would start but, Petunia was not too worried about them. She had studied hard the past few months preparing herself to get an Oustanding on all her subjects.

Think back to the time after the incident, Petunia could not help but smirk. David Macmillian tried to trace the parchment back to Petunia multiple times but, every time he came near, she would act like a weak little lamb.

Every time it happened, there was either a Professor nearby or a Prefect.

This caused David to give up since he had no proof and more detentions than he could count. At least till after Christmas. He branched into a muggle-born student, he then proceeded to insult the poor Hufflepuff.

Needless to say that Petunia came back for round two and hit him the exact same way but, this time she left him with bright red skin and Green letters spelling out KARMA.

His pureblood friends also started to notice that Petunia was always somewhere involved and harassed her by trying to burn her book and robes. The ultimately failed as Headmaster Dumbledore walked in on the site and immeadiatly gave them three detentions.

When the boys walked away Dumbledore gave Petunia a small smile and with shimmering eyes, he said "I assume Karma shall find them again Ms Evans," Petunia gave him a small smile and said "I suppose so, Headmaster Dumbledore,"

He chuckled and went on to continue his way down to lunch. Karma always strikes was written on the bathroom wall where Five pure-blooded boys were found with blue stained skin, long green beards and dressed in purple dresses.

The boys had gotten howlers from their parents and Dumbledore only responded to the angry parents by saying it's just some child's play between kids and that he had the five boys detention for the rest of the school year.

Petunia did not meet Dumbledore directly again but to her, it did not matter after all he was the favourite character it had taken a lot out of her to not squeal in delight.

Breathing out again Petunia started collecting magical energy. Her magical core had gotten to the size of a watermelon. Which mean it grew a lot from its peach size.

Gathering more energy, Petunia started to feel tired. She still kept going since this was the whole point she had been working for she could not afford to slack. Especially after she realized that the rest of the year group was also expanding their magical core.

While their magical cores were as big as honey melons they grew faster then you would think. After having absorbed more energy than needed Petunia let herself go to bed.


Waking up the next morning she already saw a stressed out Grace rereading all her notes for Potions. Oddly enough Petunia was talented in potions. Not enough to become a well-known Pioneer but most likely enough to get a good grade at newt level if she went on as she did.

On the other hand, Grace not so much. She struggles with even the most basic of potions. Much to her delight though Petunia was always her potions partner so she was never alone.

Refreshed as always Petunia stood up and walked to the shared bathroom, robes and toiletries in hand. On her walk to the bathroom, she saw just people filled with dread.

Every single one of the students seemed to be stressing about their exams and revising all the content they learned throughout the whole year. Feeling their anxiety rubbing off on her Petunia fastened her pace to the showers.

After showering quickly she rushed to her room. Inside the room, Grace seemed about to have a panic attack. Petunia quickly went to her side and shook her. She then started speaking calming words after she got out of her stressed trance.

Starting to feel uneasy Petunia now started to reread all her notes and test herself. Luckily for her, she remembered everything she studied. Trying to calm herself down she started breathing in and out in a copious manner.

After a while, it was time for breakfast. Petunia could not even say good morning to Verda, Servia, Pandora, Libby and Newt as they were all to emerged in their course books.

So staying quiet Petunia filled her plate with sturdy oatmeal. Breathing calmly through her nose. "HEY, Petunia not studying? I would have never guessed!" A calm voice spoke. "Good morning to you too Chase," Petunia said still focused on her oatmeal.

"Hey which exams do we have this week, I forgot," Chase said flustered. Petunia gave him a pointed look but replied regardless. "Today we have charms practical and theory. Then tomorrow we have History of Magic and transfiguration practical and theory. The day after that we have Potions and Herbology practical and theory. On Thursday we have Flying exams and astronomy exams. Then lastly we have Defence Against the Dark Arts both practical and theoretical exams. " in a deadpan voice. Chase merely nodded and started small talk with Petunia.

Afterwards, Petunia started revising in her head for charms. Going into the classroom she seated herself right in the middle. Grace sat on her left and Chase on her right. Petunia took out her replenishing quill. She had it thoroughly checked by Professor Flitwick since she. explained she hated redipping in ink and it will make her work slower.

Maybe because she was a good student and worked well in class and never failed to hand in homework, he allowed it. On with the exams,

Petunia fared quite well. She finished earlier than most and during the practical, she had to levitate and twirl a bag filled with sweets and after she finished she could take on out of the bag.

The exams went smoothly and she created a routine of breathing in and out. Then the next day they had History of Magic which was a breeze for Petunia since it was just memorizing dates and events. Later on, during Transfiguration, the theoretical exams were easy but the Practical one was a little harder. She had to turn a mouse into a snuffbox.

It went very well but the snuffbox had on an extremely tiny whisker. Not commenting on it Petunia hope Professor McGonagall did not see it. The next day Potion and Herbology went perfectly but on Thursday when they had their flying exam Petunia managed to fly around a bit but her posture was very stiff, she was also flying very slowly. She was certain that would not be an Outstanding on her report. Astronomy was just very relaxing and Defence against the Dark Arts she knew she absolutely nailed.

Now currently on her way back home in the Hogwarts express with her friends Petunia felt relieved that the year was over. After saying her goodbye's and comforting a hyper cheery Lily who had tears in her eyes Petunia returned home.

A week in the vacation Petunia received her grades. Nervously holding her letter she walked to the dinner table and opened it. Her parents were sitting opposite her with a cup of tea. They were not nervous at all their eldest daughter always did well and was only average at sports.

Lily was excitedly looking at the letter. She had already gotten her report card filled with A's except for math where she got a B+.


Student: Petunia Evans

Year: First-year

House: Ravenclaw

Status: Muggleborn student

Wand: Ashwood wands with white river monster spine 13 3/10 inches slight supple

Guardian(s): Gregory and Carol Evans

Passing grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Failing grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)


Charms (O)

Transfiguration (O)

History of Magic (O)

Potions (O)

Herbology (O)

Astronomy (O)

Defence Against the Dark arts (O)

Flying (E)

Absent days: Zero

Tardy days: Zero

Final comments by the head of Ravenclaw house Professor Flitwick:

Petunia is an exceptional student, she is by far the brightest witch of her age receiving outstanding in all subject but one. It is clear she takes her studies seriously and is able to make proper friends very quickly. From other professors, I have heard nothing but positive comments and hope that she will continue studying properly. I can not wait for her return next year. Well done Petunia!