Chapter Thirteen

Petunia felt nostalgic, she was once again on the Hogwarts Express.

This time around, she had Lily and Severus in her compartment. Along with Newt, Chase, Verda, Servia, Libby, Pandora and Grace. The compartment only fits six people so, Petunia asked Lily to sit on her lap and Verda went ahead to sit on Silvia's lap while Pandora sat on Libby's lap.

Since the boys did not know each other it was way more awkward for them then it was for the girl who shared a dorm for a year already. Lily was talking excitedly to Severus about a new muggle boyband. While Petunia quietly read her textbook for charms The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda Goshawk. It was one of the many books she needed for that year.

Since Lily needed the same books as Petunia did last year she received Petunia's books. Rather than upset Lily was very grateful because on the outside the books looked brand new and on the inside, there were little notes stuck on pages to help memorise the information or small summaries of a paragraph.

This meant that Lily had nothing to worry about when it came to memorising things. When Severus came to know about this he immeadiatly asked her to give the type of notes. To which she agreed and spend a whole week copying down the notes she put in the other coursebooks. Severus and Lily wanted to also help her but Petunia told them to just play outside while they could.

The main reason why she agreed to copy it down was that she had bought a magical tool earlier that summer vacation when they went to get their school books from Diagon Alley. It looked like a regular quill but in reality, all you had to do was tap the quill onto a parchment paper you wanted it to copy and it would. However, even then it took a full week to rewrite the notes.

Looking at Severus now Petunia could not help but smile. He had a strongly defined nose not crooked. Rather than making him look ugly, it made him stand out positively. It gave him the charm of being older especially with his length.

His parents successfully opened the bakery Tobias Snape was dreaming to open. After they started to make some money Tobias asked Elieen to go to a therapy session with him. Still feeling shame from what hse had done Eileen agreed, so they went to a muggle-born witch. It seemed that the Snape's were happier than ever before and it greatly impacted Severus positively. Well except for his hair.

Currently, his hair was not greasy in the slightest, mainly because Petunia forced him to wash his hair and she told him if he did not keep it up during his stay at Hogwarts he would need to do his homework alone. She also added that he won't be getting any of the potions she would brew that year.

As a first-year, you were not allowed to take the potions they made in class with them. Only when they were the second year could they take some of them back to their dorm but this was a privilege only lend out to people who excelled at their first year exams and managed to create the first potions of the year perfectly.

Petunia was confident that she would. After all, she did not study like crazy during the whole summer for nothing. More experienced than last year Petunia asked her parents to help move a foldable table and chair outside so she could study while being in the sun.

When she came back on the train she had grown slightly which added to her delicate frame. Unlike the other Petunia, she ate very well which gave her some meat on her bones. If Petunia had to be honest she was probably one of the prettier girls in the grade. Due to her diet Petunia also gained more curves than last year but what she was most happy with was her now slightly tanned skin.

Before Petunia's complexion was always very pale because she stayed inside as much as possible but now her skin looked healthy. She was very satisfied with her appearance.

Hearing a knock on the door of the compartment everyone turned silent and looked at the Trolley witch who came to sell sweets. "Hello, my dears would someone care for some sweets," Immeadiatly everyone started ordering what they wanted.

Staying calm Petunia asked what Lily would like to get and then asked Severus who at first wanted to pay himself but the look that Petunia gave him was enough to shut him up. She ordered three Cauldron Cakes, two Chocolate Frogs, four Liquorice Wands, one Pumpkin Pasty and five Chocolate Bars.

After paying Three Gallions, Four Sickles and One knot, Petunia let them both snack on the candies. Just as they were halfway through the candy there was another knock on the door. Petunia looked up and saw a young boy with sandy hair and soft scars on his face. he had warm coloured brown eyes.

"Excuse me, the trolley witch just came by my compartment and told me that a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes had bough the last few chocolate bars. I was wondering if I could buy one from you," He said in a shy manner.

Petunia immediately recognized this boy, Remus Lupin. Seeing his scars Petunia felt pity but not showing it on her face she softly smiled and said: "If you just wait a moment I can give you the Chocolate Bar."

He nodded gratefully with his facial features immeadiatly brightening up.

Petunia got her trunk and took a salve she bought and altered during the Summer vacation. She had made it just for Remus and in theory, it should work. it was a creme for disappearing scars if she added the creme with powdered wolfsbane and dittany.

I could be a temporary cure for werewolves since the creme could heal y skin touched by werewolf claws to its original form and when added with the blood of the werewolf it could fully cover the procession cells that leads werewolves to transform.

Petunia had some very secret ways which she used to make sure the potion is useful for people with Lycanthropy. Taking the creme and two Chocolate Bars, she went outside the compartment. Seeing that she was towering over him, Petunia crouched down.

"Hey there lupin, I think it is better if we talk in private for a moment. It is about helping your condition," Petunia said giving a motherly smile. Even while she tried to be as friendly as possible Remus seemed to be terrified.

"H... How..." he said shaking, his face turned deadly pale and it seemed like he could pass out at any second.

'Thank god I am blocking the compartment view of Lupin' Petunia thought when she saw his reaction. "Just follow me okay, I'll make it worth you while," Petunia said with a wink.