Chapter fourteen

At the end of the train, there was an empty compartment. Remus had followed her unsure of what to expect. He was still deadly pale and seemingly terrified. However, the fact that he followed her showed that he was still a Gryffindor through and through.

Once she entered the compartment she locked it and closed the curtains. Then turned to the still frightened Remus. "Don't worry I won't hurt. I have a creme to get rid of your scars and help with your condition," Petunia whispered still wary of lurking ears.

"How do I know it is not poison and you are trying to kill me because of my condition?" Remus said shifting in his spot. Petunia already expected such an answer so she knew how to reply. "Who would dare murder, someone, on a train with clear eyewitnesses as well as Dumbledore's protection. Trust me kiddo I know what am doing beside if I truly wanted you dead you would not be here right now," Petunia muttered.

Now all colour that Remus had regained from rushing to the compartment left his face. "Show me," was all that he replied. Petunia took out the salve and put a little on her hand "It might sting a bit but the effects are immediate," Petunia said confidently.

Remus just nodded and allowed her to smear it on his arms like Petunia had said the creme did sting his old and new scars but he felt better. Slowly opening his squeezed shut eyes he says his scars on his arms disappear. "How?" he breathed out.

Responding to his question she said "A magician never reveals their tricks," he looked even more surprised and said, "You are a muggle-born?" Petunia nodded working the creme on to his legs and back. Remus was too flabbergasted bu what was happening that he did not realise that Petunia had already smeared his whole body full with the creme.

When he came back from his trance she was already done. "Remus it is important that you listen to this part of the process alright," Petunia said in a warning tone. Remus softly nodded and Petunia further explained "I will make a small cut on your finger in which I will add the creme too. This will stop the werewolf cells from taking over control and having you turn. but when I add the creme you need to say these words okay? Now repeat after me cellulae apicales subsisto," Petunia said in a serious tone.

Remus repeated the words multiple times. Now Petunia started the process, she created a small cut with the application knife of the creme. Petunia added a bit of creme to the open wound and made Remus say the words "cellulae apicales subsisto." Which he did splendidly.

Remus was already feeling sluggish because the full moon would be a week after his first day. Professor Dumbledore had made accommodations to his needs with Madam Pomfrey. Under the conditions that he uses those accommodations, he would be allowed to study magic at Hogwarts.

Now just seconds after he took the creme he started feeling better. The sluggish feeling he had before vanished and he felt even more energetic than usual. His eyes started tearing up and he looks at the pretty blonde girl that helped him.

Overwhelmed by feelings of relieving he hugged her as he started crying. Hearing her soft voice as she soothes him, Remus wanted to do nothing more than to stay here forever. It was the most comfortable he felt in years.

After a while, he stopped crying and Petunia handed him a piece of Chocolate Bar and said: "Want some Chocolate?"

Not needed to be told twice Remus accepted the chocolate and munched on it while she explained the effect and instructions to follow. While his scars had disappeared the werewolf cells were still in his blood so every full moon he needs to apply this creme to an open cut on his finger a week before.

Remus just nodded through the whole explanation. Just as she was about to leave Remus pulled the ends of her robes. "What is your name miss?"

Petunia at that moment realized she had forgotten the most basic etiquette introducing one's self. "I am Petunia,"

"I am Remus Lupin, " he stuck his hands out for a handshake. Giggling at his actions she firmly grabbed his hand and shook it. "When you creme is finished you can always come to me, and I'll give you another one. I am usually at the library so check there if you want to see me." Leaving the compartment with a smile Petunia started heading back with Remus in tow.

Once they reached her original compartment, hell broke loose.