Chapter fifteen

In the compartment, Lily was pulling the hair of a young boy with big round glasses. Verda and Grace we desperately trying to get them to separate while Chase and Newt tried to stop a boy with black hair to beat Severus. A young boy who seemed to be on the heavier side tried to get Lily to let go of his friend.

Opening the door with a slam Petunia looked royally pissed off. Her trunk was thrown on the ground and half-open, spilling its contents on the ground. When she slammed the door open everyone paused. The moment when they say Petunia face filled with fury they were all quiet and felt terrified.

"EVERYBODY OUT NOW!!!, except for Remus you can stay," Petunia said clearly very angry. No one argued and everyone immeadiatly went out. Remus was quite frightened at first but, seeing that the anger was not towards him he just tactfully stayed behind.

Petunia started cleaning up the mess they made. Her clothes were everywhere and luckily for her, she had packed her undergarments in a closed dark velvet blue bag. She would have been so ashamed if they saw that. Before grabbing all her stuff and folding it back in she offered Remus some tea from her thermos tea bottle which she received for her birthday.

He accepted and slowly drank the tea while she cleaned up the mess. Once Petunia was finished she looked outside the compartment where they were all sitting on the floor. Lily and the Severus were still arguing with the boy with glass and the other boy with slightly long black hair.

"Everybody in. I hope you all have a good explanation as to why my trunk was opened and you were fighting," Petunia said giving everyone a pointed look.

She was not mad anymore but she still needed an explanation. Lily immeadiatly went ahead and said, "This absolute arse, come in here accusing us of stealing all the chocolate and kidnapping Remus and they were implying you were a thief!" After hearing her explanation she looked at Severus.

Severus nodded a bit too hesitantly. Narrowing her eyes she started down the boy with the glasses. Seeing this as a chance to explain himself he started ranting "I NEVER called you a thief, I only came in here introducing myself, James Potter by the way and she just went mental, absolutely mental,-" He did not even get to finish his sentence when Lily interrupted again.

They were about to start bickering when Petunia shut it all down "SHUT IT, Grace please explain," She said with a deadly calm voice. The only one who was relaxed was now sipping on tea and chewing on his chocolate bars.

"Well, what happened was, these three boys walked in and requested to see Remus. Lily said she did not know who they were talking about and then uhh well they started bickering because the boy- I mean James called Lily a sweetheart. He said something along the lines of you might be a sweetheart but tell us where you took him... and then Lily slapped him accidentally, I think." Grace herself seemed uncertain about the situation.

"Is that all I assume there is more to the story," Petunia said while raising an eyebrow at the dejected Lily and James. "Oh, I forgot they got. pulled apart and then started talking about different houses but when Severus expressed his towards Slytherin they got defensive and then everything restarted but it got so out of hand that we could not stop it," Grace said.

"Lily Evans, I will be sending a letter to mum and dad. However, I am proud that you stood your ground, no boy thinks they can talk down to an Evans and get away with it," After Petunia said this all her friends immediately thought of karma.

Lily who seemed gloomy at first perked up when she heard the end of the sentence. James and Sirius Black seemed less happy with the matter at hand but thinking about Petunia's reaction before they stayed quiet. "Also James Potter, and... " "Sirius Black, miss Evans," Before he could realize the fact that he called he miss Evans Petunia continued,

"Please do not try to hurt my siblings, both Lily and Severus do not need to go home with scars. Also do not discriminate against other people's opinions. Why would you care if he gets sorted into Slytherin?" It being a rhetorical question no one answered back to her.

"Now as punishment Lily Severus grab your trucks you are befriending these new acquaintances, " Petunia said calmly. This caused a big uproar but with one, pointed look from Petunia, everyone left with their trunks and candies. "Hey Petunia, thanks," Remus said ina. shy tone as he ran out the compartment flushed in the face.

Everything going back to normal Petunia looked forward to the sorting.