Chapter Sixteen

Entering the second year, it was the same as the first year except with a few more privileges. Surprisingly every professor had quizzes at the beginning of the year. Unlike, what Petunia would have though you can get a prize out of every single class.

Herbology Petunia got a Puffapod. The magical plant can produce pink seedpods filled with shining beans. Those shining beans instantly become a blooming flower when they come in contact with any solid object.

She had to harvest and repot the plant by herself at Hagrid's. Not being the only one who is good at herbology multiply people were able to complete the quiz flawlessly. All the quiz asked for was the information on different plants we learned about last year and two or three questions about the plants we would learn about this year.

A boy she met that day was Christopher Mitten. He was a second-year Hufflepuff and in the same dorm as Newt. Apparently, Newt bragged about their friendship quite often. So much so that Christopher suspected Petunia and him were an item.

Petunia merely shrugged it off saying they were just friends, while on the inside she was very flustered. How was she supposed to explain that Newt is gay and fancies Chase? Both Chase and Newt told her their sexuality. Newt was gay while Chase was bisexual. Newt told her he liked Chase, while Chase, on the other hand, liked Newt back.

Petunia had tried to drop so many hints, to let them see each other's feelings but both boys were as dense as badly baked bread. What made it worse was the fact that they both swore Petunia to secrecy so she was not allowed to tell anyone.

Respecting their decision she did nothing more but drop supple hints. Not that it mattered since they were bound to confront each other sooner or later. Back to Christopher Mitten, he was a very good looking Hufflepuff. He had shiny fluffy Black locks and warm orange-yellow eyes.

He was tall and had a lean body. His smile was very charming, even Petunia who was not easily attracted by looks fell for it. She had heard about him before. Christopher Mitten gained as the heartbreaker of their year. He had not accepted the feelings of many girls who had expressed their fancy towards him.

Petunia was no different since she had declined every offer she received. Which were quite a lot if she thought about it. Snapping back out of her thought she went on with her day.

Petunia had received an unlimited candy bag in charms after performing ever charm they learned last year perfectly. During the transfiguration lesson, she had received nothing since they mostly used animals that year.

Next was Potions where she received a Manergo potion. Which she brewed that class. The purple potion allowed the drinker's hair to grow rapidly. During flying class, she had not received anything due to the fact she was a horrible flyer. She did not understand how she got exceeds expectations on her final exam.

During astronomy, she received a star map showing all the stars that pass. Then lastly in Defence Against the Dark arts, she got a third-year spell book showing advanced spells. She was not allowed to perform any of the spells in the book without the supervision of her Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor Lindsey was a very strict teacher who did not allow any disobedience.

History of Magic did not give any prizes and just went on with the lesson like normally. When Petunia finished the day it turned out she had won the most prizes. Lily who got sorted into Gryffindor seemed to find it so amazing to have a sister like Petunia who was in her words "Amazing".

Petunia gifted Lily candies from the candy bag when she went to the Gryffindor table. At the table, Lily sat with the marauders. They all ended up becoming friends. Although four groups formed. The Marauders, Lily and her female friends, Severus and his Slytherin friends and lastly the marauders plus Severus and Lily.

Petunia was happy they could be friends this lifetime, it would make everything way easier. It would be better if Severus stays friends with Lily for her protection. After living as her sister for a long time Petunia could say she loved her and would protect Lily with her life.

Signing she finished her dinner and went to the common room. Sitting on the elegant big chair, Petunia let out a relaxed breath. She was the first of the group to leave dinner already full with the candy bag candies.

Petunia felt quite tired since the term had started, on top of the usual homework she now had to help Lily and Severus. However, they both come with baggage named the marauder. She had to now teach a group of 6 kids who have other friends that join. Such as Lily's female friends, and Severus's friends.

Fortunately, Petunia got a new routine while studying. She would finish as much of the homework in class or in free periods. Then when Lily and her friend would come she would help all of them for the first hour then let them self study while she works on the rest of her own.

The fact that Petunia was a strict tutor meant that Sirius and James had absolutely no room to fool around. Since when they do they will not receive any help with homework for the rest of the school year. That and they won't be getting any candy from Petunia's candy bag.

This did not stop the marauders from pranking everyone they could. Petunia had never seen more blue-skinned students. Yet looking at the traces left by the group Petunia was disappointed. As the in-famous KARMA, this was amateur work.

Speaking of KARMA a few Slytherin pureblood boys thought it was a good idea to follow David's mistake and go for an Evans. They tried to harass Lily after class hours but quickly ran when they saw Petunia heading towards them.

Smirking to herself Petunia had them go to class the next day with the words "I am a wannabe Pure-blooded dunderhead" printed all over their robes, skin and hair. With the word "KARMA" in big bright letters on their foreheads.


As the months went on it was once again time for exams. For Petunia, it was all fairly easy except for Flying but with extra lessons from Christopher Mitten whom she had befriended during that year had helped her enough to be able to get an E again.

Lily was very stressed but when Petunia came to visit her before their first exam of the day she calmed down and followed her breathing exercises for when she was scared.

Both siblings, in the end, passed with flying colours. Coming home Petunia could finally relax she for the first time in months was she able to sleep till 3 pm the next morning without someone interrupting her sleep.

That was until Lily decided to ruin that plan "PETUNIA WE HAVE OUT REPORTS, PETUNIA WAKE UP, WAKE UP," Lily screamed jumping on Petunia's bed. Waking up groggily, Petunia took her letter from the small little devil.

Student: Petunia Evans

Year: Second-year

House: Ravenclaw

Status: Muggleborn student

Wand: Ashwood wands with white river monster spine 13 3/10 inches slight supple

Guardian(s): Gregory and Carol Evans

Passing grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Failing grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)


Charms (O)

Transfiguration (O)

History of Magic (O)

Potions (O)

Herbology (O)

Astronomy (O)

Defence Against the Dark arts (O)

Flying (O)

Absent days: Zero

Tardy days: Zero

Final comments by the head of Ravenclaw house Professor Flitwick:

Petunia is a lovely girl and yet again by far the brightest witch of her age. This time she received the only Outstanding on all her subjects. She should be very proud. This year she has been nothing but a role model looking after her younger student and taking care of her fellow peers and young Lily Evans. Even her Herbology Professor Sprout is so impressed by her work that she gifted her a Puffapod. I am certainly looking forwards to her bright future.

Smiling at the comment made by her head of house Petunia felt overjoyed. Giving her Report card to her parents Petunia went back to sleep.

Later on, she would find out that Lily would have gotten straight O's except for Herbology. Where she received E.