Chapter Seventeen

It had been several years since then and, Petunia is in her final year of Hogwarts. Elected as Prefect and Headgirl Petunia was always very busy but she had a very proud mother and father and, a younger perfect sister.

During her years at Hogwarts, she had only gotten O's especially after hse dropped Flying class in the third year and took on Ancient Runes and Artimatncy. Petunia wanted to have a wide range of subjects so that she could choose from a wide range of jobs, which is needed, during this time with the prejudice against muggle-borns.

Petunia had with the help of Professor Slughorn released her Werewolf creme. She called it the 'Furry problem solver,' the idea she got from James. He, Severus, Sirius, Remus and Peter had become very close. Petunia always saw them hang out with each other.

Lately, Petunia was even introduced to their dating partners. Peter was dating a Gryffindor girl named, Ellie Jenson. She was year younger and like him a bit on the chubbier side, however, they seemed to hit it off.

Then there was Severus, who surprisingly was dating a Slytherin girl in his year. Clove Mulberry, she was quite pretty and decent in her studies, she apparently wanted to become a herbologist.

Remus recently came out of a relationship with Mary Macdonald and Sirius was making passes at everyone who he deemed interesting. Unlike before he did not get disowned by his family or ran away. When his parents found out that Petunia was the recently famed pioneer that set the whole wizarding world on their toes, they deemed his friends slightly better than the usual mud-blood and let him have some freedom.

This might have also had to do with the fact that Sirius had been getting really good grades. He got O's in every subject except for Potions. Although they still did not have the same ideologies the family decided to let it rest because even if Walburga and Orion had different views, they loved their sons more than they would like to admit.

Then, at last, there was Lily and James who had started dating that year. Petunia nearly killed James when she first found out. They wanted to keep it a secret and because they did not tell Petunia first James ended up hanging down the Astronomy tower.

Chase and Newt had been steadily dating since the fourth year and let's just say that as a prefect she had sadly seen them do very unholy stuff in a broom closet. Still feeling like puking at the seen Petunia erased it from her thoughts.

Now for Petunia herself, she had dated a couple of guys just for some experience but was now in a year-long relationship with Christopher Mitten. It started in the sixth year when he had finally confessed his feeling which Petunia knew he harboured since the third year.

She had already introduced him during the summer vacation to her parents and Lily. All three already knew of him since the moment they started dating but Petunia found it important that he met her family in person. Unsurprising, they hit it off immeadiatly.

"Petunia," A calm voice said. Petunia snapped out of her thoughts and came back to the world. in front of her was her boyfriend, Christopher, "Yes," she replied out of her trance. "It seems there are no roaming students, I think we are finished for tonight," he said. "Mmm... I am not so sure I think we forgot to check on the sixth floor," Petunia said mischievously. With a wink, she grabbed his hand and started running to the secret chambers they had found while patrolling.

They entered it but pushing the third loose brick on the left in. The chambers were fully unused and Petunia decided with Christopher they would sleep there together every night they had to patrol.

Pulling Christopher by his tie, Petunia forcefully sat him down on one of the big chairs in the room and straddled his lap. She looked at his eyes and gave him a playful smirk. Pulling his closer by his tie she gave him small kisses on his upper lip still holding eye contact.

Petunia felt two strong arms sneak around her waist, and in one smooth motion, she was in pulled even closer to his chest. "Are we going to stop being playful?" He whispered into her ear. "Perhaps," Petunia said cunningly as she pressed herself closer to him and gave him a passionate kiss. Opening her mouth a little more she sucked his tongue, intertwining them again Petunia saw Christopher's heated gaze. "Let's go to the bed shall we?" Petunia said with a sly wink.


After a while Petunia finally told her friends and the Marauders about everyone seemed supportive but James's reaction was the cream on top. "WAit, Wait WAIT. YOU ARE DATING THE CHRISTOPHER MITTEN AKA QUIDDITCH LEGEND. HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU MANAGE TO SNATCH SOMEONE THAT HOT," James had screamed.

While everyone laughed at his reaction Lily did not seem too pleased. Petunia still went one with her school year peacefully until N.E.W.T 's. All seven-year students were panicking and Petunia retorted by staying in the secret chambers with Christopher to calmly study.

By the time of the actual exams several people had fainted, using her breathing exercises Petunia managed to calm down and shake all the nerve around her off. Going into all her exams they were indeed exhausting and challenging but nothing she could not handle.

When she came out of the exams she just felt relieved but she was so exhausted on the last day that when she saw the over-hyper marauders walk in her direction during lunch she sent a very threatening stinging curse in their direction wandless.

The fling curse nearly hit James and by the deathly glare Petunia was giving him along with the other seven-year student they decided to return to the Gryffindor table.


That year they had Head girl Petunia Evans graduate with nine outstandings. Professor Dumbledore invited her to the Order of the Phoenix to which she accepted with the condition that after she gets a stable job she will help with the Order. He agreed to her condition and said he was happy to have her in the Order.

After that, she accepted a job from the ministry as the right hand of the Minister of Magic. She was like a Vice president so to speak, Harlod Minchum was a strict Minister of Magic. He added more Dementor around Azkaban in the hopes to be able to have more control over the growing Lord Voldemort.

To Petunia it was a very ridiculous move since one, Voldemort is not in Azkaban and two when his death eaters break out of Azkaban they would have nothing to lose as they are driven to near insanity and lost many happy memories.

Her job at the moment was nothing but snakes trying to get into your good graces. Petunia currently had a stable position because she is only allowed to follow the Minister of Magic's orders and until now she had executed her duties perfectly.

Thinking back to the summer before she would become vice president. Petunia went home she and Christopher decided they would live together in the two-floor house with basement in Hogsmeade. This way they were both close to Hogwarts and Dumbledore if he needed them for the Order as well as Lily who could always come during Hogsmeade weekend or use the secret passageway to Honeydukes.

During the summer vacation, she also met Christopher's parents. His mother and father were utterly pleased with her. Having your boyfriends parents like is the biggest pride one could have especially when the mother approves of you. The talked about Petunia's job and Christopher's job who became a very successful Herbologist. He had already published a book by the end of the summer explaining more in-depth about the plants.