Chapter Eighteen

Dear Ms Evans,

We meet at 5.

I hope you know what this means.

-Albus Dumbledore

Petunia had read the letter at least ten times before burning it. "Chris, we have to go!" Petunia scream from downstairs. Feeling a slight breeze next her, she turned around. "I am ready Puffa," Chris said as he stood next to her after apparating.

Petunia wrapped her arm around his and replied "Shall we go then Pod,"

feeling herself being sucked, through a tube. Petunia swallowed her saliva, although she never had to puke anymore it was never a pleasure.

They had arrived at a secret location provided one of the members. Inside was an old friend Frank Longbottom, who had been in Petunia's year. Petunia did not talk to Frank during school years because they had no reason too. They were in, different houses with different friend groups.

Although they had been in the several classes together, it never clicked. That was until they both met at the first Order of the Phoenix meeting of that year. They both did not know anyone other than each other and hit it off.

Greeting Frank, she and Christopher sat down next to him. They had some light conversation until Dumbledore entered. "Hello everyone, I am sure you all know why I have summoned you here today. The uprising of death eaters has increased at an astounding rate. They have gotten more daring and have been attacking multiple muggle villages. So we have to take a stand," He concluded.

"Pro- I mean Albus how do you suggest we stop those attacks when we are in lower numbers," Auror Moody said. Other members started whispering in concerned voices. "We outsmart them of course, we are all gifted and intelligent witches and wizards." Petunia said confidently.

"And how do you suggest we do so?" Another member said. Not wanting to waste more time Petunia said "We start by finding the pattern in which they attack, whenever you find a death eater you will notify the place to the headquarters of the Order. Every death eater you find you will put a marking spell on called notatum esse. This spell will show the death eater marked on this map and shows us when there are multiple death eaters together," Petunia explained while broadcasting the map.

"Very well, I think this sorts it," Dumbledore said. With that, the meeting ended early most members left except for Dumbledore, Petunia, Frank, Auror Moody and Chris. "I would like to ask you to protect the Hamming Village, there have been rumours that Fenrir Grayback who has been working for You-Know-Who is been targeting Hamming Village," Dumbledore explained.

Nodding Petunia took hold of Chris's arm and they disapparated. Feeling the ground beneath her Petunia looked up, the village was very quiet. It was a warm afternoon so this was unsettling. Exchanging the same look with Christopher, she started slowly walking around with him. They had already heard the soft plops of Frank and Auror Moody behind them but acted nonchalant to it.

As they were walking through the Village they saw very few people and those who they saw turned their gazes away as a sort of attempt to hide. It was obvious that this Village was scared of newcomers, behind them they heard Frank trying to talk to the stranger that passed them.

The more he tried to talk to the stranger the more the stranger tried to find an escape. Eventually as Frank went on with the questioning they heard the stranger softly mummer "Please.. they will come after me... Leave me alone, please." Hearing the soft please of the stranger Frank decided to leave her alone.

Meanwhile, Auror Moody had disguised himself under an invisibility cloak which he spelt himself. Even though it would not last forever, it could disguise someone for 48 hours.

After walking for a while Christopher stopped her from walking any further. Looking up Petunia saw something horrifying. In bright daylight, werewolves were feasting on a young girls body. Although horrified by the site Petunia did not waste her time and grabbed her wand. She cast multiple strong binding spells.

Confused by the sudden attack the werewolves were caught of guard. Seeing that no one was near them in the alley Petunia picked the smallest looking werewolf and started questioning him.

"Grunt once as a yes grunt twice as a no, understand." the poor little werewolf wanted to start thrashing around hearing the low whines and grunts Petunia almost felt pity. "Is your turner Fenrir Grayback," Hearing no response Petunia gave a stern look and held her wand to his temple. "If you do not corporate I know a very handy torture ad killing curse which I will not regret using. Now answer,"

She heard a soft grunt, as he gave his response his packmates started grunting like crazy trying to break free. Christopher conveniently placed a silencing charm on the other werewolves while she continued. "Have you been harassing this place longer than a week?" Petunia asked.

She heard another grunt. "Longer thank two weeks?" Another grunt

"Longer than a month?" She heard another grunt. "Longer than two months?" Petunia asked. The small werewolf gave two grunts.

"Does your pack reside here?" Petunia asked continuing what she started.

The small werewolf gave a soft grunt. "Did you stay under the radar of the ministry with the help of death eaters?" To this, the werewolf stayed silent. Jabbing the wand at his temple Petunia said "Answer, or you will regret it,"

Hearing a soft grunt, it was confirmed. Petunia knew that for the next few months war was officially among them in the open.