Chapter Nineteen

It had been three years, now was the time where Harry Petunia James Potter was finally one year old. The little boy was Petunia's godson and Sirius's godson. Over the year, Petunia got to know little harry she just fell in love with his small sweet gestures, such as bringing her flowers.

More specifically, the flowers that James had bought Lily. Petunia had laughed for hours on end when she saw James's face when he came to look at the flower bouquet that was missing flowers. During this time a lot had changed Petunia became the secret keeper much to the dislike of Peter, James and Sirius.

They thought it was too obvious, except for Peter. Petunia had registered his betrayal by the ministry. More specifically Auror Moody, after that mission they had together they had erased memories off all the muggles involved. Afterwards, the werewolves had their trials in which they were all sent to Azkaban. The reason being the murder of a young muggle girl and more muggles without the influence of their condition.

She and Auror Moody came up with a plan. Petunia would let Peter in on some details regarding the location. Then Auror Moody would have different Aurors on constant watch in the neighbourhood if they something suspicious they would supple act on it.

Petunia was now not only the secret keeper of the Potters she also became one for the Longbottoms. She had heavily secured their mansion with a different type of protection spells and a spell she had Severus help her create. "ad malum saevientes," was the pronunciation and any intruder would be painfully hurt. This spell was to make sure Bellatrix, Barty crouch jr. and Lestrange would not be able to reach the Longbottoms.

The spell also made sure that the closer the intruder came to the Longbottoms the, closer they were to their path of insanity. "Aunty, Aunty!!," Said a small baby voice. Petunia snapped out of her thoughts and turned to baby Harry who was somehow floating a photo album.

Every time Petunia came to their house as a visitor, Harry, would float the photo album her way and have her tell the story of his parents wedding. "Hi there little Harry, do you want me to tell the wedding story again?" Petunia asked. Baby Harry was adorable. He had puffy rosy cheeks, big emerald eyes and untamable black hair.

The little Harry furiously nodded his head. "Well, it all started when your dad came to my house in Hogsmeade and asked for your mother's hand in marriage. I made him undergo several trails such, as making me breakfast every morning. I made your father work for my approval which I gave at the end of his last year. Then when it was wedding time, I became the maid of honour and Organized everything because your aunty is that good!" Petunia said proudly, as she showed Harry the photo's she made of his father making her breakfast and her organizing the wedding.

"you mommy wanted to get married in a garden filled with lilies. So she got married in the backyard where we grew up. Then when it was time for the official ceremony your mommy came in an elegant long-sleeved white wedding dress while her hair was loose with small white flowers. " Petunia turned the page of the photo album.

She burst into laughter and said, "This was your father when he said your mommy he went from super surprised and 'is this a dream' kind of look too, crying like a baby." Petunia said smiling.

Little Harry was slapping his hands on the photos giggling and half screaming "Mommy, Dada!!"

Petunia wanted to have children of her own now that she looked at little Harry but knew she shouldn't, after all, it was not a regret she had to fulfil. Besides, it would not go with her plan.

It was just a few days away from Halloween and Petunia was spending as much time as she could with her nephew, sister and brother-in-law. Lily had asked her to sleepover at their place since she had not seen Petunia in a long while. This was because Petunia was planning on stopping the Potter family from dying.

Right now both Lily and James were taking a nap together because they had been exhausted with a one-year-old running around and on top of that dealing with the fact that The Dark Lord was after their child and them.

Petunia had been making dinner, breakfast and lunch for the little family of three and constantly played with little Harry. The young couples perspective it was always the best time when Petunia came. They could relax from all their burdens spend time together and they did not have to worry about their child since Petunia is probably the best person to protect little Harry.