Chapter Twenty

Petunia looked at the calendar again. The day she had been dreading had finally come. 31st of October was the day of Lily and James's death and the end to the first wizarding war. Petunia had been busily preparing for this day.

She knew it was time to do what she came here to do. Save the young couple of three, she had already made preparations. She had written letters to all her loved ones.

It was nearing night and Petunia had just put little Harry to sleep. Lily and James were downstairs relaxing on the couch. The last few day Petunia had been with them she noticed they were very stressed, she had relieved some of the stress but it was not enough to completely relax their minds.

Knowing that today was the day Petunia grabbed her wand, she walked to downstair were Lily and James had fallen asleep. "I am so sorry, I love you both so much so please take care, " Petunia whispered with a single tear streaming down her face.

She pointed her wand at their head and spoke softly. On the surface, it seemed that nothing was wrong but in reality, Petunia had placed an old spell that functions like the draught of living death. The spell would be undone once the caster dies or breaks their wand.

Petunia then levitated them into their bedroom, she put them in their beds. She walked to their window and locked it with different kinds of spells. Petunia went to the bedside table that she had bought for Lily when she moved into the house. It was a brown stained muggle piece of furniture that had cost Petunia half of her salary.

The piece of furniture had cost so much because Petunia had it specially made for Lily and put mini secret drawers inside the drawers hiding her favourite candies. Lily absolutely loved it and could not stop talking about for weeks on end.

Taking a deep breath Petunia placed the letter for James and Lily on the bedside table and walked outside the door. She locked the door with even more protection spells, every single one she could remember. When she was a little more than halfway done she received a Non-Corporeal Patronus from Auror Moody.

"Evans, be quick he is here." The Patronus said in an undescribed manner. Petunia quickly added the last protections spell on the door when she heard the door blast open.

She ran to little Harry's room and stood in front of the crib. Little Harry was woken up by Petunia's fast-paced steps. She quickly grabbed little Harry's cheeks with her hands and said "Little Harry, this is your letter inside is the reason why I won't be able to see you grow up, but I'll always be with you, okay! Inside there is a stone with a rune on it which is a device I created whenever you have a problem you ask my Non-Corporeal form. I will always be able to help,"

"Very touching, sadly he will not be able to use it," a shrill voice said. Turning around Petunia came face to face with Lord Voldemort himself. He had bloodshed eyes, melted features and looked deadly pale. He still had a slight whip of a nose but was bald. In his dark robes, he looked even paler.

"I see you came," Petunia said and she pointed her wand at him and used her left hand to push the button on the rune filled device she created with Auror Moody. The device would broadcast the whole scene all around the wizarding world.

The reason why Petunia did it was to show the world that Lord Voldemort is not immortal and very much killable. It was also a way to show Harry his aunt was an absolute badass.

"You know why I am here move aside," Voldemort said obviously irritated. "I don't think I will Tom," Petunia was very direct with her wording and saw Lord Voldemort face change from calm and collected to enraged.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, HOW DARE YOU!!" He screamed as he cast the infamous killing curse. "AVADA KEDAVRA"

Petunia was quick to act "Serpensortia," The snake appeared before her getting killed instantly. Lord Voldemort got more irritated ad furious firing countless spell at her. Petunia kept deflecting as best as she could and knew it was better to play mind games with him.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle is your true name, is it not?" "IT IS LORD VOLDEMORT, AVADA KEDAVRA" he screamed out in pure anger. Petunia once again used Serpensortia spell to deflect. "You are a half-blood from the Wool's Orphanage where you tortured two children until the point of no return and killed a baby rabbit. You are born under a love potion that your pureblooded mother Merope Gaunt used to make muggle rich boy Tom riddle become infuriated with her-"

Petunia reflected another killing curse and said her final piece "However, the thing you are most afraid of is death, you want to evade it so desperately it turned you from a smart, charming and cunning man to what you are now nothing more than a broken soul in a temporary body.

Voldemort became absolutely furious and started shooting killing curse everywhere in his moment of anger. In the corner of her eye Petunia saw a curse reaching to little Harry who seemed unable to find a way to react.

Petunia screamed as she jumped in front of Harry getting his by the spell in his stead.

Her lifeless body fell down to the ground where she laid with her lifeless eyes wide open and a small grin on her face as if to say she was mocking her murderer while being proud of protecting her little nephew.

Lord Voldemort did not even gaze at Petunia as he did what he came here to do, kill Harry. He came to stand in front of his crib where Little Harry kept screaming 'Auntie, Auntie' to his aunt's dead body.

He raised his wand once more and pointed it hat little Harry's forehead and said the horrible words "Avada Kedavra," However instead of killing little Harry, it reflected Voldemort himself leaving him to disappear from his body to an unsightly Non-corporal ghost version of himself that shot out the window.

Lily and James had woken up from their slumber and rushed to a crying Harry screaming Auntie only to find Petunia's dead body as it laid lifeless on the ground in from of Harry's crib.


It had been a week since the Dark lord disappearance and the death of the honourable Petunia Evans. James and Lily were a wreck when they found the letter she had written to them explaining that she knew it was coming and she joked about how badass of an aunt she was to Harry and how Harry should name his daughter after her if ever gets one.

It was time for her funeral where all loved ones gathered. Her long time boyfriend Christopher Mitten was in tears and looked like he had already lost several pounds. Christopher felt regretful, he had gone on a mission from the order. During that time he had left Petunia with her younger sister and brother in law.

Christopher wished he had never left her side maybe then she would have been alive. Even though, her letter addressed to him told him to not feel remorseful about her death but instead happy he could not help but be sad. In his left pocket, he had a little box in which he had placed an engagement ring in.

He had planned to propose to her after his mission. Behind him came Frank Longbottom who had just survived the attack on him and his family because of Petunia's protection spells. They had been attacked by Bellatrix Lestrange, Crouch Barty Jr, her husband and his little brother.

Christopher turned to him and gave Frank a long hug. "It will be okay, I know I miss her too but it will be okay," Frank tried to comfort.

Everyone said their goodbye and then Lily came up to give a speech. "Hello everyone, umm my sister Petunia Evans was always stubborn, kind, understanding and incredibly smart. I always knew she helps secret of things she knew, but Petunia was that kind of girl where it did not matter what type of secrets she had because even if she never told you her deepest secret you would still want to be around her. Last night I had reread her letter and at the bottom, I noticed something weird Petunia made spelling mistakes in her goodbye. When I added the letter together is said 'Bottom drawer' so I check every bottom drawer in the house and inside the drawer of the bedside table she had a videotape and I thought it would be fitting of the occasion to present what is inside,"

Lily said as she put the videotape on the big screen. On the tape were all the secret things Petunia did from when she was a child to her time at Hogwarts till her last day on this earth. They saw her beating up some muggle boy in a back alley because he had tried to beat up Severus for his greasy hair, they saw her pranks at Hogwarts such as her very first on with David Macmillan and then at the end, there was a message Petunia recorded.

"Hello, there people that found this videotape. I am probably dead by now but as you saw on the tape I was not your perfect little girl head girl. However, I love my family which is every one that showed up. My little babies, 'Lily, James, Sevie, Sirius, Frank, Verda, Pandora, Gracie, Harry, Remus my biggest little baby. And all my friends such a Newt, Chase which by the end of this should get married, Silvia my little scientist and the biggest love of my life Christopher. I have met a lot of people from which most are my little babies and all hold a big part in my heart I have dear memories with all of you which will be shown after this announcement. EVERY SINGLE ONE BETTER STOP CRYING, IF MY GOSTY DEAD SOUL SEES YOU CRYING I WILL HAVE A TALK WITH PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL BECAUSE SHAME ON YOU I TOLD YOU TO LAUGH AT MY FUNERAL LISTEN TO HARD ROCK MUSIC. Now my final message to my little godson YOU BETTER NAME YOU CHILDREN AFTER ME IF YOU DO NOT I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND STEAL ALL YOUR CANDIES!!" Petunia said while trying desperately to stop laughing.

People at the funeral started laughing no matter how much it had hurt since Petunia could always find a way to make you smile even in sad times.


Years later little Harry had grown up with his parent by his side taking pride in his second name Petunia. He saw the lightning scar on his forehead as a sign of his aunties bravery.