Chapter one

Marie opened her eyes. She felt as if she had just woken up from a long slumber. She was once again back in the same old white void. Having learned from before she knew this was the system void.

"Welcome back host," said a robotic male voice

"Hello Frank," Marie replied. Although she had replied she felt very empty leaving behind the people she had come to love so much more than she had thought. It hurt her thinking about it so she just wanted to feel numb.

"I will give you the analyzed report of your process. You have completed 6 and a half wishes and regrets." Frank said. "How did I complete 6 and a half?" Marie felt confused all the goals had slowly become hazy over the years. She could remember most but not all.

"I will show you the task you have completed and which you were in the process of completed,"

1. Petunia wanted to become the apple in her parent's eyes. [Completed]

2. She wants to be magical just like her sister. [Completed]

3. She does not want to ever be in her younger sisters shadow. [Completed]

4. She wants to become more independent and be able to have a nice job. [Completed]

5. She wants to have dating experiences before meeting her husband. [In Process]

6. Have a better bond with Lily. [Completed]

"You will receive a 100 points for every task you finished and 50 for the ones in process," Frank continued. "So I now have 550 points," Marie said. "Yes, you do, you are now able to open the item store. Inside the item store, you can purchase different types of items."

"Frank please open the item store," Marie said. Her surrounding started changing into a regular store but inside were very different types of items. There was a choking cloak and bitter itching powder of which Marie did not even want to know why it states bitterly. "Frank does this store have something like a feeling eraser?" Marie asked

"The emotionless pill is something that describes what you are looking for except it does not erase the memories it just erases the feelings you had with those memories. Do you want me to erase your feelings during the Petunia Evans lifetime?" Frank asked

"How much is it?" Marie asked she was not stupid she knew that everything had a price. " 25 points," Frank said with his robotic voice. For Marie, the price seemed reasonable and wanting to be numb to the memories and the ones she lost she accepted. "Give me the pill Franks,"

Before her appeared the half blue half red pill and a cup of water to wash it down. Taking a hold of the pill she plopped it into her mouth and swallowed it with the cup of water. She felt herself lose all emotions of loss, sadness, loneliness and pain leave her and were instead replaced by nothingness. Now, whenever she thought of the time spent there it meant nothing to her.

"I will no go on to explain the next unfortunate character," said Frank.

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Marie once again received a book and started reading the inside.

The lifetime tragedy that is Bellatrix Lestrange (Neé Black)

Basic information

Bellatrix Lestrange (Neé Black) was named after the constellation as it is a tradition in the Black family. Bellatrix was born in 1951, Great Britain. She was the eldest daughter of Cygnus Black and Druella Black (Neé Rosier) and the eldest of three younger sisters. Andromeda Tonks (Neé Black) and Narcissa Malfoy (Neé Black). Bellatrix started her Hogwarts education in 1962 and was sorted into Slytherin, afterwards she became a death eater loyal to Lord Voldemort. After Hogwarts, she was also married to Rolduphus Lestrange despite her disinterest.

Living circumstances

Bellatrix Lestrange (Neé Black) was taught since young about the ideology of pureblood supremacy. She followed this ideology until the moment she died. Her parents were very strict in their upbringing and would allow no muggle blood ties in their family. This caused Andromeda to be burned off the Black family tree when she married Ted Tonks, a muggle-born. Bellatrix married Rolduphus Lestrange to hold up with pureblood tradition and to please her parents. She, however, never bore him an heir.


Father--> Cygnus Black

Mother--> Druella Black (Neé Rosier)

Younger sister--> Andromeda Tonks (Neé Black)

Younger sister--> Narcissa Malfoy (Neé Black)


Bellatrix like everyone in the Black family had supreme looks. She has beautiful dark black curls, slim figure with perfect proportions. Especially in the chest, bum and waist areas. She is tall and has an upright and arrogant posture. Like most Black family members Bellatrix has translucent white skin and dark eyes.

Final tasks for Bellatrix to live a happy life:

1. Allowing her to marry by choice.

2. To do something useful with her skillset.

3. To have someone to confide in, someone who would understand her struggles.

4. Stay Pureblooded, and hold up the pureblood ideology.

5. To not make her join the Dark Lord army.

Your role:

Name: Ophelia Black

Family: Bellatrix's younger twin sister

Looks: Completely identical to Bellatrix except for hair and eyes. She has Platinum curls and Silver coloured eyes. Platinum hair from her mother's side and Silver eyes from her father's side.

Special abilities: Metmorphesis [carried in the blood of the Rosier family]


When she finished reading the report Marie noticed the new section. "Hey, Frank was their an update because this report has my new character in place," Marie questioned

"Yes that is your new character because you will not be transmigration into people that already exist in the Potter universe." His robotic voice replied.

Marie once again nodded her head and soon dozed off into a deep slumber.