Arc two : Chapter Two

Ophelia felt stuck in a warm environment. As she started moving, everything felt slimy and warm. Confused by her current predicament, she started moving more and more until she felt another warm body laid next to her.

Ophelia felt disgusted and uncomfortable but, the slimy body next to her calmed her down. The body was the warmest in the environment and made her feel safe.

Huddling closer to the source of comfort, Ophelia decided to make herself as comfortable as she could. Especially with the limited space provided to her.

Feeling the tight space tighten, even more, Ophelia felt her source of comfort leaving her. Bit by bit her, source of support started moving away from her sliding away, till she could only feel it with her toes. Desperate to follow her, she started wriggling, to the place where her source of comfort went.

Feeling squished from all sides, she started wriggling even more till she felt her feet touch something cold. Like a freezing breeze while you are in your bikini on a beach in the winter.

She did not like that feeling, but she could not go back. She got dragged by her little slimy feet to the cold surface. When her whole body was finally out in the open Ophelia could not help but scream in agony. "WAhhhhh We... WHAaahah" Ophelia shrieked in pure discomfort.

As she screeched, she had realized her voice did not sound like a child, but a newborn baby. Putting all the new information together, Ophelia started to understand. She was just in the womb, with Bellatrix and was now born.

Unbeknownst to Ophelia, she had been clean and put into the crib with Bellatrix. The baby crib was next to the bed was their exhausted mother and seemly proud father.

Feeling tired Ophelia did not see the healer casting healing spells on her body. She also did not notice that the milk she was fed was mixed, with different healing potions which help child growth and the immune system.

Once the healers left Ophelia, felt uncomfortable as if her body was growing. When you lose a bone and need to regrow it, that is how she felt at this moment. It was like a soft sting that would not stop. Uneasy and unable to sleep Ophelia started listening to her parents. "Cygnus, she is born to die. They said it was a miracle she came out of the womb alive since her sister had been feeding on her nutrients. They said only because of her magical power she was able to survive until now. "

Druella said breaking into tears.

Pilled with emotional stress and exhausted from the birth, Druella was unable to keep her usual icy appearance. Luckily there was only her husband in the room. Cygnus was just comforting his wife as best as he could, but even he was hopeless.

The Healers said the secondborn would live if she survived the night although with a weak body, while if she did not make it through the night, there was nothing they could have done.

The young couple stayed up until morning just watching their children. When they first heard they would receive twin girls, they were over the moon. Although no male heir, they were enough. They would have more children in future either way.

In the morning after, looking at their children the whole night, they saw their secondborn had survived. Quickly calling in healers, they gathered around the young baby and checked her health.

"Dear Master and Madam Black, your youngest child is still in bad health but she will be able to survive from now on. " An old broad structured Healer said. "I would still suggest having a healer by her side at all times to make sure she will be healed in time if there would be an accident." The old healer continued.

The healer looked old physically but her eyes were sharp. It showed her sharp mind. "Very well assign your best healer," Said Cygnus. Knowing that their child will survive they could finally give her and her sister a name.

"Dear, our firstborn shall be Bellatrix and the second born shall be Ophelia," Druella said. In the heist of losing a child, the young couple had forgotten to name their children.

Both drained the couples decided it was best to go to sleep. Their children were placed in a different room with a healer. The healer was named Lauder and he was from the Yaxley family. The Yaxley family had been healers for generations and build quite the reputation.

For the rest of the new day all the couple did was eat before returning to bed to rest.