Arc Two: Chapter Four


In a good few seconds, Andy was completely healed from any injuries and the shock while Ophelia still had her hair turn purple. "You are a healer what is happening to my Ophi?!" Bella demanded clearly angry with Lauder taking so long. "I, unfortunately, can't heal her hair. Young mistress Ophelia is showing signs of being a metamorphosis. Which gives you the ability to change your appearance at will it is something you are born with," Healer Lauder responded.

He carried Ophelia to her bed and lead the other girls to their rooms as well. Bella was already curled up next to Ophelia who was currently resting with her hair slowly calming down and turning back to their normal platinum curls.

Healer Lauder gave Ophelia some potions then left the room to inform the young black couple of what had happened.


Ophelia woke up the next morning in a room filled with ruckus. Bella was next to her sitting, on a chair holding her hand. Her parents held little Andy and Cissy in their arms. Everyone seemed to have a grave expression.

Their expressions turned into relieving ones at the sight of her awakening. Healer Lauder rushed forwards and started checking her health. In between his spell casting on Ophelia, she managed to ask "Healer Lauder what is going on here, if you could please explain?" Ophelia asked as she lifted her hand to hold on to his long-sleeved white shirt.

Lauder let out a big sigh "Young mistress Black, you have caught a severe cold because you jumped in the pond. On top of that, you got exhausted physically and overused you magical energy when you activated your magical Metamorphosis abilities carried from your mother's side. " Lauder explained.

Now the grave expressions made sense, without directly saying it Ophelia knew she could have lost her life. From now on she had to watch out and make sure she would not hurt herself. "I am sorry," Ophelia said in a quiet voice. She already knew she had those abilities from before but she still had to play the part where she acted like it was something to be ashamed for.

The young Black couple turned to their daughter, it was obvious they were not happy with what had happened but, by the looks, on their faces, Ophelia knew she would be forgiven. After all her parents were still very young and did not know how to grasp parenthood.

Of course, Ophelia took full advantage of this and used it in every turn she took. Although they were not educated on parenthood, her parents were not dumb so Ophelia still had to walk on eggs shell. Ophelia turned to her side, Bella was squeezing her hand tightly, so tightly it nearly hurt. Although she seemed to want to hold up the act in front of the guests, she looks terrified of the fact that she could have lost her sister.

Ophelia squeezed her hand back, from now on she had to be careful otherwise it could go wrong. So wrong she would die.

Ophelia started feeling tired again and slowly closed her eyes as she plopped her head back on her pillow.


It had been several years since that accident and ever since then, her parents were extra mindful of her condition. They had announced to the pureblood community that she will not be attending parties until she was older. For Ophelia, this was no problem as she did get very tired often.

there was word spread around about the four daughters, Bellatrix was strong and smart, Andromeda was kind and thoughtful, Narcissa was beautiful and petite, Solar was a clever little boy and Ophelia was an unknown star. No one knew about her and who she was. Every time they tried asking Bellatrix or her sisters about it. They would retort by asking them why they were so in their business, of course, they had to do it the polite way.

While her sisters and parents were off to parties entertaining guest and family. Ophelia would be at home looking after Solar, he had recently turned four and became more active. He started running around and playing hide and seek.

Lauder and her mother and father decided against her playing with her brother but Ophelia knew better, her little brother already nearly never saw his parents due to work and his sisters often had to attend parties. Solar was always alone with Ophelia and that was enough for him but he just wanted to do more than reading books or playing music.

So Ophelia started slowly and her stamina got better but her condition was still the same and she still got tired easily but it was enough to keep Solar happy. They often played hide and seek as it was the game that took the least energy from Ophelia. She just had to hide very well and wait for him to find her and the other way around. She could slowly walk and find Solar by the sound of his giggles.

However, now that Ophelia is nine and nearly ten her parents found it important that she would meet her younger cousins. Sirius and Regulus Black. Regulus was Solar's age while Sirius was the same age as Cissy.

When Ophelia got told the information like this she did not really understand it was like a riddle so she decided to write it down.

Bella & Ophelia = 9

Andy =8

Cissy and Sirius=7

Solar and Regelus=4

They were all spread pretty equally and Ophelia circled Andy's name. When her cousins would come over, Bella would either play with them or read a book with Ophelia and ignore them. Then there is Andy who because of her age has a hard time fitting in and Cissy can be cold to the ones she knows so she might stay away from Sirius despite their matching age. the only one Ophelia was sure would get along were Solar and Regulus.

Both were boys the same age and probably both very bad at hiding and seek. It was going to be a trip for sure. Ophelia just had to plan what they could do because ever since the incident the pond changed into plain grass and the garden was just filled with boring plain grass and some flowers here and there.

Ophelia sighed and walked to the tapestry of the Black family tree. Everyone that would be burned of in the future was still on there. However, Ophelia was not too sure if she would stay there. Closing her eyes Opelia held deep thoughts