Arc Two: Chapter Five

Ophelia did not know what was happening around her. Bella was cunningly arguing with Sirius who held Cissy behind him as if trying to protect her but what he did not notice was the fact the Cissy was reading a book looking very bored with the overall situation. On the other hand, Andy was trying to get in the middle of the discussion and stop the bickering.

While they were fighting it out, Solar and Regulus were playing hide and seek, every so often you would hear a high pitched squeal coming from of the boys before you here tiny footsteps rushing in every direction.

Ophelia in the middle fo all this was in the living room sitting on the big chair her father always used and watched the family members bicker and fight while she drank some star mint tea from the purest mint plants in Great Britain.

Ophelia wondered if her parents were doing well. It appeared that some good friend of theirs had died. They went to the funeral with her aunt and uncle. Ophelia saw how upset her mother was even though she had a straight face. Her aura was different. Everything about her just spelt grief even if she held a facade.

Coming back to the situation at hand Ophelia kept sipping her tea as she listened to the verbal fight,

'You are just a stuck up drippler,' Sirius snarled at Bella with a stuck up nose.

'HA! Go use that childish language somewhere else, this house is for grown-ups unlike you clearly," Bella sneered at him.

"I AM NOT A CHILD, YOU ARE!! With your crazy stupid wild hair," Sirius screamed out in frustration. However, Ophelia knew how sensitive Bella could be about her hair.

Bella loved her hair more than herself which was saying something and if anyone insults it she will get very aggressive. Seeing this was her time to stop the fight Ophelia stood up.

"Both of you are acting like little children whining over a toy calm yourself and make sure you do not make a mess while I am gone," Ophelia said in the strict tone she learned from Lauder. As Ophelia said this she started walking out of the living room ignoring the fake betrayed face of Bella and the shocked look of Sirius.

Cissy walked away from behind Sirius and followed Ophelia to the kitchens. Ophelia had taught herself how to bake because she had been staying at home with nothing but books to read she got bored even after finishing her homework from her tutors.

When she first brought the idea up with her parents they were very against it and told her a lady shall not cook or bake when you have house-elves as you servants. After months of convincing and eventually putting her own life at risk by showering and without drying herself standing in the cold wind at night her parents finally agreed.

Ophelia liked to be the good child but since it was not her main priority anymore she would use anything to get what she wanted. She knew sacrificing herself was stupid and that she acted like a selfish prat but in the end, she got what she wanted right.

Entering the kitchen Ophelia started baking her infamous strawberry lemon cookies and a thick chocolate fudge cake. Her family were forced to eat her creations which in the beginning were really bad but as she worked more with Walry and started bettering her recipe's she perfect the basics of baking.

It turned out that her previous mother made it just look way easier than it was. After a long year, Ophelia was finally able to make delicious desserts. It was so known among the family that she was always followed to the kitchen by at least one family member. Most of the time it was Cissy.

Ophelia had found it hard to create a bond with Cissy. She was her little sister and Ophelia loved her dearly but she never had the same bond with her than what hse had with Andy, Bella and Solar. It often made Ophelia feel bad when she could not do anything with Cissy other than reading books.

Now that Ophelia was able to bake, Cissy followed her every time she went to the kitchens. It was their way of bonding, they would bake together or Cissy would talk about her day while Ophelia made something. Somehow, baking was very treating for the fact that Ophelia could not go out much.

Although Ophelia was often busy with her metamorphosis, magic and basic lady lessons, she always found time for her siblings. With Bella, she would do not so good things such as exploding the toilet seat (IT WAS AN ACCIDENT), or embroidery and talking about romance novels with Andy or Playing hide and seek with Solar or Baking with Cissy and having evening tea with her parents.

Surprisingly, all the children of Cygnus and Druella slept early and without complaints, even Bella but Ophelia was always unable to sleep unless she had a cup of tea. So she started this routine where she would drink tea with her parents at night.

Back to the kitchen Ophelia grabbed all her ingredient and started making the desserts. "Lia, when do you think mother and father will be home?" Cissy asked

Ophelia looked up, Cissy held a sad expression. It was clear she missed her parents. "Don't worry Cissy Mother and Father will be home by the time you go to sleep. you will see them in the morning," Ophelia reassured.

"Walry!" Ophelia screamed. The small house-elf appeared in front of her with plain clear trousers and shirt. The house-elf looked happy to be called and Ophelia could not help but hold a little smirk over the fact that her tantrum about Walry's appearance caused Walry to be dressed in fine plain closed.

"Walry, could you help with the plates. The desserts are ready," Ophelia said kindly. It was time to feed the little monsters from upstairs.