Arc two: Chapter Six


Surprisingly, all the children of Cygnus and Druella slept early and without complaints, even Bella but Ophelia was always unable to sleep unless she had a cup of tea. So she started this routine where she would drink tea with her parents at night.

Back to the kitchen Ophelia grabbed all her ingredient and started making the desserts. "Lia, when do you think mother and father will be home?" Cissy asked

Ophelia looked up, Cissy held a sad expression. It was clear she missed her parents. "Don't worry Cissy Mother and Father will be home by the time you go to sleep. you will see them in the morning," Ophelia reassured.

"Walry!" Ophelia screamed. The small house-elf appeared in front of her with plain clear trousers and shirt. The house-elf looked happy to be called and Ophelia could not help but hold a little smirk over the fact that her tantrum about Walry's appearance caused Walry to be dressed in fine plain closed.

"Walry, could you help with the plates. The desserts are ready," Ophelia said kindly. It was time to feed the little monsters from upstairs.


I swear to merlin if you touch me with that disgusting piece of AHHHH" Sirius screamed as Bella ran after him with the old clothing Walry used to wear. Ophelia had found it hidden away and asked the house elf.

Walry said he should throw it away but would never do it because it was the earliest gift he had gotten from his masters. Ophelia then tried explaining to the house-elf that not all clothes should be kept. Especially not dirty unwearable ones with little insect on them.

Wally had agreed to throw them away but, when Bella came to find her sister and say the disgusting piece of cloth, she used magic to throw it towards Sirius, who was running like a madman. He ran shrieking, all over the house.

it had been two years since their cousins started coming over regularly, it was all very peaceful except for Bella and Sirius fighting at each other's throats. Like this night, Ophelia's parents and Sirius's came home they started screaming at both children about their behaviour. On the other hand Solar, Regulus, Andy and Cissy were nowhere to be found. Oh, and Ophelia was just calmly sitting sipping some tea while her cousin and twin sister got scolded.

Since she can not strain her body she can at least watch her siblings and cousins go down in flames. Ophelia prided herself on never getting scolded, it might have been because Lauder said it could cause mental stress which would effect her body greatly...

Either way, she was the untouchable child. Ophelia finally had something to look forward to. HOGWARTS. She was not eleven and able to attend the magical school. Her parents initially wanted her homeschooled but after the abrupt and stubborn refusal of their second daughter, they had no choice but to let her go.

For this to happen Ophelia had to make peace with the agreements her parents and school made. She would be in every single one of her sister's lessons. She would every morning and night go to the infirmary wing to get a check-up, she would have replenishing potions on her at all times and Lauder was there at school often checking up on her.

Then lastly, she was not able to attend flying lessons, which was something Ophelia was truly grateful for she could not reminisce those days again. She rather does N.E.W.T.S all over again.

Although not favourable for her, Ophelia knew on spot in Hogwarts where she could be free of her parent's rules and escape the hellish torture. The room of requirement. Ophelia already decided to not tell anyone when she would be going, and where. She would not even show Bella where the room was after all it was her secret place.

Ophelia knew she could have used her special room from the previous life but if her gut feeling was correct, her previous self was also in this lifetime reliving it. If so, Ophelia knew she should take that as her advantage since she can now manipulate her self based on the fact that she knew what the future holds for her.

It was easy and since she was at that point Petunia, she knew not to mess with a Black. Although she had not seen any blacks in her previous lifetime she heard rumours. One time someone puked on Andy's robes and Bella took revenge and shot the poor boy right into the hospital wing but no consequences were given to her.

It was the sad reality muggle-born students had to face. They will be seen as the minority and not respected until after the second wizarding war. this meant a lot of things that Ophelia did not want to touch on.

Breathing in and out Ophelia just calmly waited for her Hogwarts days. She had already gotten her books and wand. Ophelia did some light skimming through the books but remembered most of it from her previous time.

The good thing about being born close in time again is the fact that the curriculum did not change. Which is something Ophelia was very grateful for. Now she was just twirling her wand around. Bella's wand was 12¾" long, made of Walnut, and had a dragon heartstring core and Ophelia's was its sister having the same exact wand only with Pheonix feather.

Both were described to be unyielding and for the time being, Ophelia hoped it would stay that as she is planning to do a lot this year.