Arc Two : Chapter Seven

Past chapter:

It was the sad reality muggle-born students had to face. They will be seen as the minority and not respected until after the second wizarding war. this meant a lot of things that Ophelia did not want to touch on.

Breathing in and out Ophelia just calmly waited for her Hogwarts days. She had already gotten her books and wand. Ophelia did some light skimming through the books but remembered most of it from her previous time.

The good thing about being born close in time again is the fact that the curriculum did not change. Which is something Ophelia was very grateful for. Now she was just twirling her wand around. Bella's wand was 12¾" long, made of Walnut, and had a dragon heartstring core and Ophelia's was its sister having the same exact wand only with Pheonix feather.

Both were described to be unyielding and for the time being, Ophelia hoped it would stay that as she is planning to do a lot this year.


Ophelia felt warm a little to warm. She was at home by her fireplace as her mother stressed to her about what she must not do and what she must do. "Ophelia listens closely, you will get into Slytherin and once you do you must attest you dominance among the students of your year. You are a Black! What do we stand for?" Druella Black (Néé Rosier) boasted.

"Toujours Pur, mother," Ophelia said with a soft smile on her face. Over the years she had been very adamant about learning about the etiquettes of a propper lady from a wealthy and aristocratic household. The last thing she wanted to do was be improper in any way. If she brought shame to her house she was sure her parents no matter how much they loved her would send her to France in the side branch that lived there. Unlike Sirius's parents who did not have a close connection with the side branch, we did.

"Very well, my daughter. Now go make your parents proud and look after Bella would you?" Druella said in a proud tone. Ophelia knew she was only trying her best not to cry by the way her eyes made the skin around it uptight. "Mother you need not worry I am fully capable of keeping Bella in check, right Bella," Ophelia said in a mischievous tone.

It was an inside joke between the siblings and their cousins. One time Bella lead the whole lot to try and steal her freshly baked pastries which Ophelia had made for their parents once they return. What the lot did not know was when Ophelia went to sleep she had Wally cast a protection spell that would have any stealers turn into a ferret which Ophelia though was a nice reference to the Draco Malfoy. Ophelia always found the scene where Malfoy turned into a ferret laughable and absolutely adorable. The ferret was just too cute for words and Ophelia could at that time already imagine how cute Bella would look like a ferret.

Like usual Ophelia was correct, Sirius, Andy, Cissy, Regulus and Solar came crying in her room holding a small fully black ferret that had a curly fur. Ophelia had been laughing like a mad man confronted with bad news. She found it hilarious and it took the children a few minutes to realize what had happened. Instead of being a nice and proper sister Ophelia ran out the room to the door and changed her appearance to that of her mother. She then walked from the door up and when she saw the little children half running down the stairs past their bedtime she acted furious exactly how their mother did. All the kids kept quiet about Bella and were rushed into the room of Ophelia where Ophelia gave them all a lecture before turning back into her normal appearance. By this time the whole lot was already crying again and even Sirius who usually held it in because he was too 'manly' to cry broke down. Ophelia then decided it was best not to apologise with chocolate milk whole she had wally turn Bella back to her normal human form.

Bella who stood next to father clearly shivered and nodded. It was normal for her to cringe at the memory, Ophelia did not blame her. Once Wally came with all the luggage packed and ready to go, the whole family apparated from the house to king cross station. There the other black family was waiting for them. Sirius and Regulus looked both to curious and excited about the train to notice them. It was not until the parent greeted each other that they noticed. Sirius immeadiatly went inform of Bella and made a bet.

"I bet I will be in Slytherin and Quidditch captain!" Sirius exclaimed. Bella held her proud facial expressions and countered it. "5 galleons you will be a Hufflepuff and apart of the knitting club," Bellatrix said smugly.

Sirius's facial expression changed and went from smug to angry. "I will never be a Hufflepuff and strong and smart, I'd rather be a Gryffindor than Hufflepuff," Sirius burst out.

"Bella I think you have done enough damage to his pride besides it is time to leave," Ophelia said with a raised eyebrow and a smug face. However, her facial expression quickly hardened when she saw a familiar face. Macmillian. David Macmillian. Ther person who Ophelia rather see in Azkaban then alive. She turned away and started saying goodbye to her family. Andy, cissy, Regulus, Sirius and solar cried and made Bella promise to write them. When Ophelia asked why she was not allowed to write them they said she was naturally going to do so but Bella would forget all about them. At this point, Ophelia wanted to so desperately smack them across the head but this was her debut. This was the time when all the pureblood family's look at her and judged her worth. If she was good enough for their son if their daughters should befriend her or not. Was she like the smudged out rumours a disappointment or truly as gifted and beautiful as the rumours stated? It was when her father and mother embraced her and gave a curt kiss on the mouth that rumours started turning. They had shown their clear affection for her and debunked the rumours which already gave Ophelia the advantage at school.

Ophelia took Bella's hand and they waved their family off as they boarded the train. This year was going to be hell for those who wronged them and amazing to the ones that they favoured. Ophelia had no time to waste and it was time to set her plan in motion.