Arc Two: Chapter Fourteen

Ophelia blew in the wind, it was relaxing to transform into an animal. It was characteristic most Metamorphoses did not have but being a metamorphosis was like a muscle if you trained it, it could do more.

Ophelia knew that one thing she would miss from this life would be flying around Diagon Alley. It was hard to describe how much it pleased Ophelia to be flying high and above.

Ophelia landed at the back of Knockturn Alley in a small side street. It was dark and silent. No one was there but a big dump of trash and a neat set of clothes which Ophelia had put there during her last visit. She transformed into Eric Robertin. He had messy brown hair huge glasses and a lanky, and malnourished body.

Undressed and put on the Robertin clothes before transforming into him. It was essential that she looked and acted the part. She put on the big round glasses and acted squirmish, it acted as if she was uncomfortable had something to hide.

Ophelia walked through the knock turn street in a soft fast pace and reached Daigon Alley in no time. Once there Ophelia started looking at the corners of the stores and streets she acted as if in secret although it was fully light out.

Ophelia reached over and hunched at different corners taking the lid of the potion and putting small drips on the pavement. She did the same thing over and over till people started to notice on the busy street.

"What are you doing?" A lady asked sceptical of Ophelia. Ophelia squirmed around and did not look the woman in her eyes, "I- I umm... I need to g-go" Ophelia said in a shivering voice as she ran away from the woman. She heard some yells but ignored it.

She had already done enough this was good enough for her plan to go as followed. Ophelia ran back to Knockturn alley and shook her followers off by her quick turns and knowledge of the layout of Knock turn alley.

Ophelia ran back to her side street and switched clothes before flying off with the bottle in hand. She had done everything like she had to. She had made people notice what she was doing and made herself or well Eric Robertin looks suspicious.

Ophelia flew with the cold breeze in her feathers as she returned back home. Once she entered the tree it was turning dusk and Solar, Andy and Cissy had gone inside. I flew through the tunnel inside the tree into the basement.

Bella was reading a book while sipping on some tea that Walry must have brought in. Ophelia turned back with an empty potion in hand and exhausted features. Although Ophelia enjoyed transforming she never had the energy when she turned back. Ophelia sighed before sipping from the cup of tea in Bella's hand. Bella gave me her tea and sat up from her comfortable position on the couch.

"Here sit down you must be exhausted," Bella said as she placed Ophelia in her seat. Ophelia dosed of quickly to regain her energy. Bella left her to be and simply looked at all their plans and what they had thought out.

Bella was scared, terrified even that when the Purebloods at Hogwarts find out her sister is not as powerful as they thought and the illusion Ophelia puts up every time falls through it could be dangerous. Bella sucked a deep breath. It was better to stay calm.

"Don't worry Ophi, I will protect you like you have been trying to do for me," Bella whispered as she patted Ophelia's head " Don't worry," Bella repeated softly stroking Ophelia's hair down.