Arc Two: Chapter Fifteen

The hooded figure took of there hood and smiled. Ophelia's taunting gaze trucks the masses. Ophelia watched with glee as whispers broke out and students looked at her in shock. It was time to start the puppet show.

"You all must be confused, so let me explain. There is a dark lord on the rise, be uses the fake persona Slytherin's descendant to lure purebloods in. His group is nothing but brutes. They kill, feast, torture and are like a cult. Nothing of which we need to lower our standards." Ophelia spoke clear and loud so that even the people at the back could hear her.

The whispering began again and several put up their hands. "Mr Sewle, you have a question I presume," Ophelia said signing for him to stand up. Selvon Sewle stood up and looked right at Ophelia. He was two years older and not bad on the eyes at all.

"Ms Black although bringing this issue at hand what do you want us to do about it?" Selvon asked. Ophelia smirked wider, this was exactly the question she needed.

"We need to overthrow the fake, we need to put him in his place, show him what pureblood is really like and even if you are a half-blood bastard of the Slytherin line you won't fit in unless pure of blood. WE need to show him together what will happen if you mess with a pureblood." Ophelia said. She nodded towards Bella signalling to get their secret weapon ready. Bella walked away while Ophelia finished her speech.

"WE need to start our own organisation for purebloods, as you all may know there are several filthy lesser blood who think they can take over society but we can not have that happen not now not ever!" Ophelia took a deep breath before continuing.

"Join us now or be forever in the absence of true power, of the true wealth of true right! Our right as purebloods, those in favour of the idea please raise your hand," Ophelia said as she raised hers. there was some murmuring and discussing before people started putting up their hand, one by one.

Bella had returned with Nundu and put him behind her back as it seemed unnecessary. Everyone as far as Ophelia could see raised their hand, everyone except Sewle she seemed to be examining her. Ophelia gave him a nod and watched as he winked at her before raising his hand.

Typical playboy material. winking at a girl two years younger, a first-year. He must have lost his mind if he thought he had a chance.

"Would you all please for a line so we can give out charmed bracelets and rings that represent our organization. Once we call for you, you will know so wear it at all times is that understood?" Ophelia said.

There were yells of agreement and Ophelia raised her wand and brought the bracelets to them one by one. The bracelets were simple and unidentical, the only thing they had in common was the fact that they had the same message engraved on the inside.

{Fight for your right, your true right, the pure right}

It was one of the many things Salazar Slytherin had spoken of within his books. Books that Ophelia's family bought years ago for the sake of wasting money.

Ophelia watched as all jewellery was attached and told them to leave in groups of two before heading out the Room of Requirement. Ophelia had given them their first official task along with their bracelets. Watching for news about riots. Along with that she indirectly told them about the fact that she had a part on them. With that Ophelia left the room with Bella and they headed towards their rooms.

Ophelia was surprised at how smoothly it had gone, it almost seemed to have gone too smoothly almost. "Bella what did you do?" Ophelia asked he knew if things went this smoothly Bella must have done something.

"Just a little threat nothing massive," Bella replied. Ophelia sighed and gave Bella a look of annoyance, "You threatened to ruin their lives starting with their family before making them shunned from the magical world," Ophelia said.

"How did you know?" Bella asked annoyed that her twin knew. "You always use that threat, I have never seen you not use it!" Ophelia jabbed

Bella softly before signing, it would be a long next couple of months.