Today's night, sound of his soft slippers frictioning against fluffy thick carpet was like heavy boots clamping against jangly planks. Unpleasant, but more importantly, revealing.
Alastor wouldn't mind it usually, such things only alarmed young indiot's so he wouldn't have to witness their incompetence, but not today.
His long thick robe was fluttering as he strived to climb another damn stairs. It was said that once on the land of La-Suia Kingdom was a custom where those to weak to be any help had to take their own lives. That was propably purpouse behind all those devil's creation here.
This time his power of withered youth won, his joints clicked in protest as he reached final step, yet he couldn't rest right now. Fortunately for him no one was in sight.
His destination was only a corner away, at least if he was ahead of imminent danger.
Not wasting any time he retracted his palm to touch one of gems in small sewn in sleeve socket and connected. His pool wasn't full right now so mana began to flow.
Depending on type of gem, mana trapped beforehand inside would get different properties. Mana from heart gem of sage monkey would boost any spell of scholl of mentalism which focused on mind and senses.
Alastor focused and synthesized right mana's constructs in his mind, then released in order with quiet chant.
A certain slightly tickling feeling went from his forehead, then the image appeared. Fourth tier spell aplified his mind, widining his sight and fill it with rought images of shapes.
While on the lover levels and in few rooms were present, on local hallways only two of them were resembling humanoinds, good.
Again, he rushed towards his target, while casting {Fortify body} throught mana from different gem to renew it's effect on body and prepare for any suprises.
He went throught guest section, fortunately empty for a while and turned into corridor ending with massive doors made of sturdy and egzotic redwood enchanted by court mages, mere defence when one of them might be on opponent side. Unfortunately, School of Interceptions wasn't area he was well versed in.
Two members of high guard, cladded in plate armour made of thornium alloy, were keeping their posts. They unsheathed weapons seeing someone heading towards them, butone glance on of wrinkled face and long, gey beard made them loose their guards, good for him.
One the left he had a young lad, still too young to even shave his face. Alastor still coundn't undersand, how standing in place became prestigous among the young nobles, but for his own sake he would like to remain it that way.
Man on the right was different story. Muscled and cautious he gave off completely different feeling, compared to wimp on the right. Especially with his big scar on cheek thanks to which he recalled the man from last meeting where they analysed information about newest prince Larond spies ,got from their own spies.
Alastor slowed down and hide hands into his sleeves, cleared his throat. Before the two guards, he repeated themself, this time louder and more clearly.
"I'm sorry, master of arts. We cannot let you enter, without a written permission from an officer of Plutorian rank or higher." Scarred guard said in monotonous voice, his eyes still cautious. It was a good soldier, what a pity.
Alastor released an instant spell. A stride of sound waves floving from his finger went throught the guard's face before he could do anything.
Second one, wisibly younger didn't realised what happened for way too long. Overtook by fear, he finally reached for his blade, this was the moment Alastor waited for.
You fool, don't you think I can kill you? His voice was full of pretension.
"Wh-wh-what's the me-me-aning of this" His qestion was made more of stutter than actual words.
Oh, by faires wrath. Alastor began to symhatise with this dumb damsel. At least he had a slight chance of surviwal. This time lack of competence to work might save the life.
"We are under attack from assasins, this man was one of the intels. Go to the high guard barracks and report that, mention to anybody on the way. Prince's life is in danger."
"If I were the assasin you would be long dead, now go idiot !" It was partially truth. Using spell instantly which skips synthesis part build up a lot of additional mental fatigue, especially with so powerfull spells, which is disruptive when casting one after another.
More encouragement wasn't needed, as the youngling was running for his life. Alastor put his whole weight to open one of the wings and still barely went throught.
The bedroom wasn't illuminated, , but after all these years he could easily what was where ?
He reached the massive bed and began to shake young man, who still unaware of turn of the events, slept.
So Alastor hit him with one his heavy sleeves, and boy instantly woke up almost jumping out of bed.
"Prince Surtian ! Wake up, we have no time." Alastor whispered loudly enought to disperse last remains of sleep.
"Can you tell me first what is happening" By now he was reaching subconsciously for clothes he always left on the second part of the bed. This would be first time Alastor wouldn't scold him for that.
"I'm not sure, but it is only matter of time before a royal guard will come to arrest you for Mildash distribution."
"I could use some explanation." It didn't seem he was concerned as, he was fighting with claps of enchanted suit which Alastor threw to him.
"I had one of my intels report me just a moment ago about a close door discussion with members of Winged council. They had a proofs of presence and witnesses of mildash in potions that were given in clinics founded by you." He didn't waste any more time as he went to small guarded cabinet where lied Prince's rapier in sheath. Magic didn't recognise him as intruder so he took it and send with {Lesser Telekinesis} to prince.
"I don't remember drugs were a part of medicines." Sutrian didn't seem affected at all.
"Alchemist guild wouldn't just bow they have to much power, and gets to many benefits from our alliance. Your brother also wouldn't try accuse us with only few in his palm. New power entered the stage. " Now, Alastor turned towards the doors which he came.
"Where's alarm inducer."
"Here" Surtian tossed a magic item to Alastor, who caught it with precision far exceeding old man from before .
While Surtian was opening passage, he prepared to intercept guards for as long as possible.
First he activated alarm, making door shut alongside every window. Then he used more trustworthy security.
Besides his first speciality, Mentalism he had second one called Evocations. First he connected with his most powerful gem made of remains of Ice Elemental then casted one of the strongest spell he knew {Glacier}.
A barrier of bluish ice rose, engulfing in it everything from doors, to two meters into room. His power alone wasn't enought for such effect, he had to synthesize same spell two times in a row and cast as one.
Every spell over second tier was out of his comfort zone, causing mental fatigue so anything of sixth tier doubled would make his head almost explode.
His body tilted onwards almost making him fall. He managed to clutch near chest of drawers and regain balance, barely. Still he couldn't spot now, too much was on stake.
"Are you okay?" Sutrian was already in secret passage hidden behind a wardrobe he moved throught usage of his life force.
"You should be already long gone." Alastor would no let be taken lightly.
"Call it time investment into powerful device of destruction."
"Havent I told you numerous times to not take any risk besides needed ones." Alastor took another item out of his sleewe. With mental commant it transformed into big fiery bat with long spiked tail.
"Well, last time I didn't risk we lost chance to erase my dear brother from existence so I won't move out of here without you."
Before Alastor could reprimand him for saying such things, a loud *thumps* and voice came from behind of chamber door's.
This time master decided to listen to his apprientice. As fast as he could he rushed towards passage while a loud bangs were coming from behind.
Prince seemed as stressed as him, trying to defend agains three armed knights who must have managed to get past numerous traps within wast passages. Well, no secret doors are secret in capital's castle, but that wasn't important function for them.
Alastor sent another instant {Sound stream}, disposing two right off the bat. Last one instantly used life force form [ Disperse magic], but that left him opened to Sutrian who went throught thornium alloy like a butter with his pure Aboleum blade.
"Nothing feels the same as direct politics." he took out blade effortlessly. After we got ourselves out of this mess we will gather you know where." They were going throught a maze of narrow corridors.
"I will try to speak with Highness Rozham afterwards my prince. Perhaps now he will decide to take action . While I believe you are the one best suited to reign you and your brother have taken this private war too far."
"and yet you are by my side" His voice didn't show any anger but Alastor felt it. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get royal sibling to get along as with royal blood it should be.
"The fact serve you my prince don't stop me from being your teacher." Alastor responded in gaps between taking another breath. His eight decades old bones shouldn't have to suffer like this.
He almost bimp into prince when he stopped to deflect sudden blow from knight who appeared from right. With help of second tier {icicle} he ended up on stone.
A loud explosion occured behind and then a mental connection Alastor had with his Incomplete Manticore disappeared. This could have meant only one thing.
"They got throught. It must be Zarock and his team." Zarock Nerwadow, once a known adventurer and Leader of Iron Blood from guild of a Titanium rank, second highest. Known salt shaman, bane of mana based magic users, able to fight toe to toe with one of Bonelords . While it widely condemned practic by many, gaining fame as adventurer and then offering services to nobles wasn't a rarity.
Alastor made a tons of research on their team moment they become a part of Larond group. Sutrian's own adventurers party Light flash gave them a lot of data about them. He didn't suspect they were in capital since their offical departure to western borders to assist in contaiment of undread outbreak.
It was confirmed by three different spies throught {Temporal Telepathy} spell, barely yesterday. Teleportation magic was known only by few people on conctinent, none which had any relations with Larond.
"Please Stop for a moment." They were, in crossroads, near the exit, but that's where one loose guard. He had to be sure. Sutrian listened without a word . Alastor focused again and with scraps of mana from kitsune heart gem and his own reserves casted {Echolocation} again.
While not spell of the highest order, it's efficiency came from experience with it. Even the best assasins and thiefs couldn't hide their own bodies with their skills. Only someone with magic items, abilites could awoid such detection, he knew Iron blood had to weak to interrupt his spell. Trick was to know, how discern shapes of your targets.
It wasn't a problem in flat corridors. In Alastor mind whole layout appeared, like a spiderweb with each string straight. As he expected there was a small bump near once point their propably presumed to be their escape route. Unfortunately for them, it was the one they were expected to believe it was.
Alastor then stepped on small plate they both knew existence of, which caused few dart to shot behind them. That will have purpose later. He nodded to Sutrian, and they proceed to run again. Sounds behind them were getting louder and louder, even with them running as fast as they could.
Now, they were only about a dozen or so meters from from small wooden doors, their target. However that when Iron Blood finally managet to caught up with them.
Sutrian turn to help him face them. Thry eould not make it, especially with party archer who they had no chance of evading on this distance, but Alastor pushed him with short "go".
In the same moment, before fatigued Alastor handled synthesis of the first spell Sutrian deflected with his sword arrow sent by woman in scale armor who just have come from the corner.
Alastor didn't even realised that as he prepared a serious attack with all mana trapped in gems to stop in track giant beast of a man in heavy combination of chain shirt and plates with bare thick arms.
Exactly when Zarock was reaching for a bunch of salt his {Low sounds} actiwated. Alastors most powerful spell synthetized triple times, sent a waves of specially modified sounds.
Team of titanite rank adventuers was monstrous foe, but someone estimated by many to be of the highest possible rank, outlier wouldn't let himself take lightly.
A fireball casted by a handsome brunet and three additional arrows sent by archer stopped and disapeared thanks to ability of his ring to block almost any attack for half a minute once a day.
Whole team of five people froze in place, slightly twitching their muscles. Zarock face was wisibly in a great effort as he slowly but steadily regained control of his body. Rest of his team was in worse situation. Two of them failed on ground while mage and tall cleric were still frozen.
Alastor keep pouring mana into spell, but at that pace it wouldn't last long. His face calmed despite the immense pressure as he knew his main goal was reached. Prince was long gone thanks to invisible rope that was set on chapels window, just next to doors to passages.
*thump* Zarock made another step, and another, while mage and cleric raised themselves.
Now Alastor counted ten second in mind he cut connection to the spell.
Shaman was half step which caused him almost to fall, but as a warrior he instead leaped forward and threw glittering salt.
A strong blow of wind met it pushing back slightly even so absorbing most of the spell. Next a flash of light struck Alastor eyes and one of arrows managed to went past his garments.
With pain, he focused again and casted third tier {Ice shell} ready forblow in thick layer of ice.
It came along giant fist cowered in salt, sending him flying past doors, into one of many chapels spread across the castle. With a loud crack ice shattered upon impact.
All in numbness caused by lack of information from nerwes thanks to lack of mana, he managed to regain his sight long enought to see other royal guards were squeezing between Zarock, keeping their eyes on him.
Alastor passed out.
It seemes he had luck again, for how long it was uncertain.