The wanderer arrives at the village "Warrior please call the village chief" the wanderer ordered " Yes sir" the village warrior replied as he goes to the village hall . After a couple minutes the village chief arrived with Flavio, Tan, and Card "excuse me wanderer, how are you? it's been a month" the village chief said " I don't have much time, I'm just here to pick up that kid" The wanderer replied "Actually sir can you take these two as well?" the village chief asks "One kid is enough I can't take care of 3 of them," the wanderer replied "Please sir give them a chance" Flavio said "No kid, the village is not that strong they more likely to get killed if they go with us at least here they can help to protect the village" the wanderer replied "but we're all set with the defense system of the village I even made big cross bows on every outpost and we made a really tall wall" Flavio explained " doesn't mean they can manage a horde of demons specially a 4th class " the wanderer replied " Im not going if they're
not going" Flavio said with conviction "Guess we're gonna stay here for a week then" the wanderer replied, Flavio and others replied with a smile "but on one condition" the wanderer continued "what is it?" both Card and Tan replied in unison "you have to pass my test" The wanderer continued "what kind of test is it? Card and Tan ask in unison" well first this kid needs to pass his test first before I can give you a task" the wanderer replied "Let's go to the beach sir, anyway my name is Flavio Martinez" Flavio said "And I'm Montano Decena you can call me Tan" Tan said "I'm Ricardo Dalisay you can call me Card" Card said "Cool let's go" the wanderers said. After 5 minutes of continuous running the group arrived at the beach "show me what you got kid" the wanderer ordered, Flavio swings his sword a thousand times "good you can swing your sword a thousand times but that's not what I meant" the wanderer explained "what do you mean then?" Tan asks " well you have to able to swing your sword with a strength of a thousand times swing in one swing" the wanderer explained "so all my training in controlling my energy is for nothing" Flavio exclaimed while looking at the village chief "hahahaha why are you looking at me like that, it's not for nothing we couldn't rebuild the village if you dissipate all the demons right?" The village chief explained "I guess your right chief" Flavio replied "so are you ready for another try? The wanderer asks "yea, but why didn't you stop me? Flavio replied "well you look too focus, now start " the wanderer ordered "sure" Flavio replied "now focus all my energy to the sword " Flavio said to himself while closing his eyes and focusing on his grip, Flavios sword glows up as he focus all his energy in his sword , "Run" the wanderer ordered the village chief and the others as he run towards the ocean to block Flavios attack "I know this is going to happen" the wanderer said to himself , he runs a half a mile from the beach before Flavio swings his sword a piercing gust of wind with electricity came out of Flavios sword "I gotta block this it might hit some people in the ocean" the wanderer said to himself as he summons his sword he focus his energy on his sword and swings it Flavios attack banished "wooah its as strong as it looks now for the second wave" the wanderer said to himself as he swims back to the shore , the wanderer found Flavio unconscious while having a seizure and his body is protected by electricity "just as expected his spiritual energy is electricity" the wanderer said to himself. after a couple minutes of seizure Flavio transformed into a half demon and loss control of himself "lets see how strong his battle instinct is" the wanderer said as he blocks Flavios attack, Flavio went on a rampage and keeps attacking the wanderer but the wanderer parried and dodge everything like he know where the attack is gonna come from "not bad kid , you improve a lot for a month of training " the wanderer said but instead of replying Flavio went all out and gather his energy to his sword while attacking " good job, you can even do that but you need to go to sleep now, sweet dreams " the wanderer said as he use the hilt of his sword to hit Flavio on his nape but Flavio didn't pass out and instead swings his sword to the wanderer and the wanderer dodge it by jumping over Flavio "wow you are a tough kid, I guess all that electricity is not for nothing huh" Tha wanderer said instead of replying Flavio make a loud roar "HOUUWWAAAAAA" and rushed towards the wanderer " Card go to the village and tell everybody to evacuate and tell everyone that knows how to fight to get to the beach " the wanderer ordered "copy" Card replied " village chief and you Tan help me restrict Flavio's movement but don't parry his attack or you will die" the wanderer ordered as he summons a mace named Sharur "ahh fresh air, haven't seen you in a while master" sharur said "shut up and transform" The wanderer replied and sharur transform into a winged lion " now find something usefull to restrict him" the wanderer ordered and sharur fly away "what is that?" Tan ask " Focus" the wanderer replied as he summons a sword named Fragarach and deflect Flavios attack in Tans direction, Flavio furiously rushed towards the wanderer and tried to slice him in half but the wanderer parried Flavios attack and as soon as the two blades collided Flavios sword lose it's ability to generate a Piercing gust, Knowing that his attack won't work on the wanderer Flavio roared "Huoowaaa" and generate all his spiritual energy to his whole body and his broad sword "Chief, Tan you can't do anything now help the villagers to evacuate and get all able body that knows how to fight we're going to a war" The wanderer ordered "But we just killed 4 4th class demon including the one that you killed , I don't think there's gonna be a horde of demons for awhile" The village chief explained " Just listen to me, it's gonna be worse than a 4th class demon" The wanderer continued " Okay but please save Flavio" The village chief pleaded " I will, now go" the wanderer replied as he generate his own spiritual energy his sword, armour, and boots got cover by the wind element and he rushed towards Flavio and thrust his sword towards Flavio but Flavio deflect it by thrusting his sword to ground and he used the force of the impact to swings his feet to the wanderers face but the wanderer anticipated it and summons a dagger named Parazonium and give Flavio a cut in his foot "oohhh that's gonna leave a scar " The wanderer taunted Flavio and Flavio swings his sword from the ground up and the wanderer dodge it " are you trying to fry me" the wanderer ask as he smirks to Flavio and attack Flavio with a barrage of swings from all directions "Huoowaaa" Flavio roared as he tried to block and dodge each of the wanderer attack but couldn't he got a cut on his torso, shoulder and his legs. Sharur got back with a rope made from tree bark " I got what you need" Sharur said " what took you so long?" the wanderer replied " I scouted the area and there's tons of demons going in our direction so I tried to hunt some they're all 4th class demon so 10 magic stones could probably hold that guy for awhile" Sharur explained " thank you , I need you to tell the others to get ready for a war and be ready in 2 minutes" the wanderer replied as he summons Caduceus and made a portal sharur enters it and turned to a weapon and then a girl pick sharur up.
Thank you for reading my novel , I appreciate all your comments so keep it coming so I can improve my story, Dont forget to rate and vote thank you guys!!!!
Sharur " Smasher of thousands " is a mythological mace from Mesopotamian mythology it is said that it can talk to it's weilder and provide crucial techniques and it can also transform into a winged lion
Fragarach "Sword of the air" according to celtic mythology it is said that the Fragarach is forged by the gods and no armour can stop it and it is also said that it could gave the power of the wind element to its wielder
Parazonium in Roman mythology it is said that the dagger can give the wielder an aura of courage it is most frequently carried by Virtus, Mars, and Roma
Caduceus I know everybody knows hermes it's his staff but for anybody that don't know him here's an explanation its a small staff entwined with two snakes sometimes have wings he used this and his boots to travel back and forth to Olympus, earth and underworld