Athena, Athena , That's sharur right?" Apollo and Artemis ask " Yea" Athena replied " Athena , Master said that you all need to get ready for a war, you all have 2 minutes" Sharur said to Athena " OK transform" Athena replied " Lets go code blue" Athena shouted and everybody in the base went to armory to get their respective gears " Come on, grab and go" Athena shouts. "Ares wake up!!!" Athena shouted "Yea I'm awake what's with all the commotion?" Ares replied " Time for war you have 30 second to get ready" Athena replied " Finally" Ares said as he smirks and got out of bed to go to the armory and grab his gears . The wanderer made the rope into a lasso and tied Flavio with it " Time to summon my back up" The wanderer said as he summon back Caduceus to make a portal , 10 people came out of the portal " Haven't seen you in awhile master" Apollo said " Y'all ready right?" The wanderer ask "Yea we're all set , who's gonna be facing my wrath today?" Ares ask "We're gonna kill a unique demon today"' The wanderer replied "well better start with that guy you capture" Ares said " No, we can save him" the wanderer replied as he tried to stop Ares from swinging his spear " so are we just gonna wait for them here?" Persieus ask " Pretty much " Bellerophon replied " Athena ask sharur to scout" the wanderer ordered " Sharur" Athena shouted and sharur fly away. After a couple minutes sharur came back " there's a lot I couldn't count how many 5th class demons are there but there's 42 4th class demons in land and 78 4th class demon in the sea and there's a 2nd class demon in the sea aswell" Sharur reported " Good job sharur" Athena praised sharur for a job well done Athena then reported to the wanderer what sharur said " Give me back sharur I might need him to face the unique demon" the wanderer said " transform" Athena ordered sharur and gave it back to the wanderer , at the same time Card, Tan, and the village chief came back with the scouts, Warrior, some fishermen, blacksmiths, and carpenters, Thomaz Cameron and Broadus Calvin are there as well "that's all you got?" the wanderer ask " Yes, Most of the warriors died when 3 4th class demon and there horde attack us we manage to get the advantage by going up to the mountains peak but we couldn't avoid casualties" the village chief explained " Im sorry to hear that, focus on the 5th class don't engage with the 4th class if you don't have too" the wanderer ordered "you'll probably get annihilated anyway" Ares said " Are you mocking us boy?" Broadus Calvin said " Forget it Broad, lets focus on our task" Card replied " You guys have good armor for someone who couldn't even fight a 4th class alone" Ares added, Tan swings his War hammer to Ares neck but Ares deflected it with his shield and throw Tan off balance before he kick him on the chest, Tan Fall flat in his ass " you weakling tried to touch me" Ares angrily shouted as he swings his sword to behead Tan but Persieus deflect it and Achilles put his spear in Ares throat " move and your heads going to roll " Achilles said " Okay that's enough for the show let's focus on the demons" the wanderer said as he claps his hand " whats up with that guy wanderer?" the village chief ask " Don't worry about him chief, that's his personality he always gets excited in the wrong way" The wanderer explained " get your spear out of my throat Achilles next time it's your head that's going to roll" Ares shouted "You'll have to be as strong as Hercules to do that, and I don't think you wanna go down that path do you?" Achilles replied as he pulls his spear backwards " uhaaaah I'll get you someday you bastard" Ares shouted , Achilles hit him with the back of his spear to the stomach " what did you just call me?" Achilles angrily ask " I said stop! we have bigger fish to fry here" The wanderer angrily shouted and release his spiritual energy " so what's the plan master?" Odysseus ask "Persieus, Bellerophon and Artemis will go with me to defeat the unique demon, Theseus, You, Achilles and Prometheus will be with the villagers and Athena, Ares, and Apollo will deal with the 4th class" The wanderer ordered " Apollo make sure no 4th class demons will get to the villagers" The wanderer continued " Yes master" Apollo replied "village chief Odysseus will be in charge for now" The wanderer continued " I trust you with our life wanderer" the village chief replied "Ares make sure to get all the 4th class demons aggro to you" The wanderer said "Athena help Ares with the aggro and Apollo will be the support for the villagers team and Athenas team" The wanderer continued " Yes master" Apollo replied " Card , Tan you'll be in charge of protecting Flavio " The wanderer ordered " I guess we got the easy role" Tan replied " Yea it'll be easy if you can manage to stand up in the presence of his spiritual energy when he wakes up" The wanderer continued " what do you mean?" Tan and Card ask in unison but the wanderer just ignored him so Tan grabs the wanderers shoulder and ask him again with an angry voice " what do you mean?" " You dare touch my master weakling" Ares shouted to tan as he swings his sword towards Tans neck but Apollo shoots a fire arrow and deflected Ares attack "Yoouuu!!!" Ares jumps towards Apollo and try to slice him vertically but before he could even land Achilles Hit Ares on his ribs, Ares stands up and swings his sword to Achilles but Achilles deflect it with his shield and swept Ares feet with his spear, Ares fall flat in his ass " Houwaaaa" Ares shouted " Ares calm down" Athena shouted " Next time you hit me , I'm gonna go all out" Ares said to Achilles " Ares stop being stupid and get up " The wanderer said as he give his hand to Ares to help him stand up "Thank you master" Ares replied " Come on kid , stop wasting your energy" The wanderer said " Yes master" Ares replied "So what do you mean sir?" Card ask " It's gonna be your first task so figure it out" the wanderer replied " Task do you mean this weaklings will come with us?" Ares ask " If they can complete it yea, is there a problem? " The wanderer replied and release his spiritual energy towards Ares " Nothing master" Ares replied " Is everybody ready?" The wanderer shouted " Tonights gonna be a blood bath I don't how many hours or days or weeks shit even months this battle is going to last but one thing I'm sure at It is us that are going to came up on top , Not everyone will survive this I know but for every one of us that's gonna be lost a thousand of them will fall, This is where we hold them!, this is where we fight! this is where they die!!" The wanderer said " Yeaaaaaahhhhhh" The group shouted in anticipation of the war " Battle formations" The village chief shouted " Yeaaaaahhh" The villagers , warriors , and scouts shouted " Well atleast they have a high morale" Ares said "I hope you all ate your breakfast, FOR TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!!!" The wanderer shouted " Yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" Everybody shouted and their morale sky rocketed " Lets go Card ,Lets carry Flavio over to the cave" Tan said " Yea lets go" Card replied as they carried Flavio to the cave.
{End of chapter 15}
I hope you guys enjoyed it, I'm gonna try to release a chapter every other day or every day . Thank you all for reading my novel!!! Dont forget to leave a comment and vote thank you!!!!