Chapter 42

A big laser beam shot out from Khadan's mouth while the beast stared at them menacingly. 

"Watch out!" 

More than four missionaries suddenly activated barriers of all kinds of traits. Energy shield, wall of ice and earth, transparent barrier came out one by one. They were stacked on top of each other to maximize the defense of the group. 


The beam penetrated right through five layers of the barriers in no time. But the final barrier had stopped its advance and shielded the missionaries from the shock wave impact that it had created. 

Raising his crossbow, Maverick pointed it at the Khadan and said, "Our turn!" 

Shooting out the bolts of his crossbow, each bolt was covered with crimson light. The bolts hummed softly in the air as they flew with unnatural speed. In an instant, the bolts landed on the creature's body with accurate precision and exploded right when the bolt touched the creature's scales. 

"Gruhh." Grunting, Rimon dashed right towards the Khadan, followed by the rest of the missionaries which held close combat weapons. 

Winking at Zuyuan, Camilla commented while she followed behind Rimon, "Let's go and have some fun as well."

Snickering from Camila's words, Zuyuan glanced at Ling Zhue who smiled back at him and spoke, "I'll go on first, then, uncle." 

With a blue flash, Ling Zhue had disappeared from Zuyuan's view and went towards Khadan with his body surrounded by lightning. Thrusting forward with his spear in unstoppable momentum, Ling Zhue directly stabbed right on the right side of the creature's back. Earned him a pained growl from the creature while the creature's figure trembled slightly from the lightning that spread on its body. 

"He's really good." Smiled Zuyuan while he said to XB11 who was standing behind him, "Give everything you got, XB11." 

After he had finished his speech, Zuyuan quickly used his ultimate technique of the Ghost Walk. Breaking the sound barrier and letting out a booming noise when he moved, not even a half second later, Zuyuan was already right between the creature's legs and swung his sword towards its tendon. 

Bright light enveloped Zuyuan's sword as it grew longer and longer. Focusing on maximizing his sword's sharpness using Phantom's sword along with his unconventional skill, Zuyuan cut both tendons in one slash. Without waiting for the creature's reaction, Zuyuan guided his Qingong to his feet and jumped out as high as he could. 

After his momentum stopped in mid air, the creature, Khadan, stared towards the being that had jumped until its eye level. Both of their eyes met each other and both could see the hostility in each other's eyes. 

Immediately, Zuyuan swung his sword right towards the creature's neck while his blade was still covered with light. But as the light blade was about to reach the neck area, a silver light emerged from the scales and blocked the incoming slash. 

While the creature opened its mouth to swallow Zuyuan whole. Ling Zhue and the missionary with a greatsword from before charged at both sides of the creature and slammed their attacks as the creature's attention was still on Zuyuan. 


Feeling annoyed, the creature roared. But something unexpected happened, the creature's roar suddenly created a shock wave impact that pushed anyone on the radius of ten meters. Khadan started to swing its tail towards the Shadow Cage spell and broke more than half of the chains.

Blown away by the shock wave, Zuyuan guided his Qigong to cover his body and lessen the collision as his body hit the ground. Rolling two times on the ground, Zuyuan raised his body and took another stance while his face became grim. 

The creature's body began to be covered with silver lights that came from its scales. The light healed all the wounds, scratch, burn marks that the missionaries had inflicted on the creature for the past minutes. Not to mention, now the creature used its own barrier, the missionary had a hard time for their attacks to bypass the silver barrier. 

"All long range missionaries, try to target its eyes next! I would be able to remove the barrier in a short time so do it quickly! As for close combat fighters, one of you had already injured its tendons. Although they were healed, this time aim for the tendons again and when it's down, go for the head!" Shouted the dark elf, Azreath, while he chanted for another spell on the next second. 

"ᛏᚺᛖ ᛗᛁᚷᚺᛏ ᚠᛚᛟᚹ ᛟᚠ ᛗᚨᚷᛁᚲ, ᛁ ᛒᛖᛋᛖᛖᚲᚺ ᛏᚺᛖᛖ, ᛏᛟ ᚺᚨᛚᛏ ᛏᚺᚤ ᚹᛟᚱᚴ ᚨᛋ ᛁ ᛒᚱᛁᚾᚷ ᛞᛟᛟᛗ ᛏᛟ ᛗᚤ ᛖᚾᛖᛗᛁᛖᛋ, ᚨᚾᛏᛁᛗᚨᚷᛁ! (The mighty flow of magic, I beseech thee, to halt thy work as I bring doom to my enemies, Antimagi!)" 

Shortly, the silver barrier dimmed and disappeared after a few moments. The creature's eyes widened in shock as it didn't expect for someone among the crowd to have such an advanced spell. As Khadan hesitated if it should continue with this fight, all of the missionaries with guns, bows, crossbows, and many other varieties of weapons swiftly bombarded its eyes. 

-"XB11, shoot your energy beams on its eyes!"- said Zuyuan on their telepathic link. 


After that Zuyuan followed with the rest of the missionaries to attack the creature's legs. On his way, he saw Camilla put away her maces and morphed into a two meters werewolf. Next to her was Rimon the troll who had his warhammer crackled in lightning as it was enchanted by Ling Zhue who was right in front of them and led them. 

Noticed Zuyuan's glance, Ling Zhue looked back at Zuyuan with a smile, while his lips moved to say something but there was no voice coming out

"Not bad, uncle? Huh." Chuckled Zuyuan after he lipreaded Ling Zhue and replied back in the same manner, "You too." 

Soon, the creature's legs gave away from the bombardment of the multitude of diverse attacks. Its eyes bleed profusely as it led out a despaired scream. When it fell down to the ground, all missionaries mercilessly assaulted its head and tried to burst its thick skull. 

Without taking all that long, the creature breathed out its last breath while its body was covered with a ton of injuries. Soon, a notification that everyone had been waiting for had come inside their mind. 

[Congratulations! You have finished the side mission!]