Chapter 43

[Congratulations! You have finished the side mission!] 

[Reward: 7000 Death points, Silver rank treasure chest.] 

[Hint: Because you had successfully defended their town, the town's goblins attitude towards you became a little friendly.] 

"That wasn't so bad," Walking to Zuyuan's side, Ling Zhue chuckled and continued, "The rewards and the goblins attitude for us. I hope they will stop giving us stink eyes." 

Slightly smiling as a reply, Zuyuan assessed the situation around him. There were no deaths. Although the opponent was quite strong, no one had earned any life threatening injuries. 

"Yeah, the results weren't so bad." said Zuyuan nonchalantly while his gaze landed on two women that were familiar. They were the missionaries who had given him a 'warm welcome'. But when they had noticed his glance at them, they flinched subconsciously and bowed at the same time towards Zuyuan. Seeming to be afraid of him. 

Shortly, the dark elf, Azreath, approached their group and fixated his gaze on Zuyuan. Smiling, he said, "You're good. I think I had seen you before? Right! You were the dark horse of the Hall of Fame!"

Shaking his head, Zuyuan replied in humble words, "I was just lucky that my opponents took it easy on me." 

"Wow, that sounds ridiculous, Zuyuan." Interrupting on the side, Maverick commented while he put his crossbow back into the palm sized pouch. Rippling his eyes, Maverick said, "As if they would take easy on you in the arena that would get them points and fame." 

"Perhaps or perhaps not." Teased Zuyuan back. 

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not. But your rank on the Hall of Fame is a fact. And today, you showed us your combat traits that deserved the rank." Laughed Azreath as he took out a card and presented it in front of Zuyuan. "If you need a helping hand or two, you can contact me anytime." 

A little surprised from the sudden offer, Zuyuan took the card and replied, "Sure." 

Nodding towards Ling Zhue and the rest of the group, Azreath  turned his body and left. Watching Azreath's back, Ling Zhue proceeded to Zuyuan's left side while he took a glance at the card, "I know that card." 

"Oh?" muttered Zuyuan in interest while he observed the card as well. The card was black in color, with a symbol of a 'X' and '+' overlapped each other inside of a circle. They were painted in gold, with a word right under the circle. The word was written as 'Conqueror'. 

"Yes. It is an organization. They call themselves the conquerors. Heard they have a habit to gather the strong people in the outer section." Answered Ling Zhue while he continued with a concerned tone, "It is a big organization, uncle. Their men had invited me last week. But I refused. I heard other nasty stuff they did. So… Let's say they are like the bully of the outer section." 

"Outer section?" asked Zuyuan in a puzzled manner. 

"Oh? You didn't know, uncle? As you know, we missionaries had a rank. With the higher our rank, the more dangerous and rewarding the world we will go to. Of course, there would be sectors specifically for those of higher rank too. They were in the inner section, while we were still in the outer section." Summarized Ling Zhue as he patted Zuyuan's back once and grinned, "Where are my manners, we should talk in a bar with some drinks! Come on, uncle!" 

Smiling, Zuyuan nodded and answered, "Of course. Let's go." 


"Those people are strong." 

Atop of the roof in a building with the best view to see the gate's entrance, five hobgoblins stood while observing the missionaries from afar. 

A hobgoblin with ginger, messy hair glanced at his left and spoke, "Huhe, have you found anything of significance from the person you had escorted. Such as.. The payment that our chief promised for those so-called missionaries?" 

With the sunset having fallen already and only moon shining brightly in the sky, Huhe furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, "I didn't asked." 

"Bloody hell, Huhe! You are supposed to be smarter than this! The f*ck you have been doing?" another hobgoblin cursed in dissatisfaction. 

"Shut your mouth, Durdur. Curse at my captain and I will cut your ear, imbecile." Growled Lyk beside Huhe as Lyk glared at the hobgoblin Durdur with hostility. 

"This outcast.. F*ck yourself! You, the branch tribe really cannot be depended on! Useless!" Retorted the hobgoblin Durdur while he snorted. 

"You!" Not being able to take the insults anymore, Lyk pulled out his sword and wanted to charge immediately. 

"Enough! Both of you!" Shouted the first hobgoblin with ginger hair while he glared at Lyk, "But it's true that you were banished by your own tribe. So don't you dare have the gall to reply back to us!" 

Gritting his teeth, Lyk's expression was filled with frustration. Stepping forward to cover Lyk, Huhe glared back at the hobgoblin and said, "He is no outcast anymore. Our tribe has accepted him. From the day he had been sworn oath as our brother, he's no longer the shame of the goblin race." 

Face flushed in shame and embarrassment from being protected by Huhe, Lyk only stayed quiet while still glaring at the rest of the hobgoblins. 

The ginger haired hobgoblin only sneered and said curtly, "Why didn't you ask, Huhe. Answer the question." 

"It was an order." Replied Huhe while he shook his head, "From my grandfather." 

"The head of your tribe? That reminds me, all the heads of our tribes didn't want to say the reason to us as well. What are they scheming…" Contemplated the hobgoblin as he put his finger on his chin. 

"I don't know and I don't care. And another thing, me and Lyk would leave tonight. As per agreement made by the head of our tribe, our tribesmen would not have any participation in this war." Interjected Huhe as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. 

"You want to abandon your race? Cowards!" Mocked the last hobgoblin who had a scar on his left eye and a bald head. The hobgoblin had been the most quiet through the conversation. 

"We are no cowards!" This time, Huhe hissed in fury with his eyes gleaming with killing intent. Seeing Huhe's expression, all of them quickly held the handle of their weapons, ready for the sudden battle. 

But soon, they were proved their guess had been wrong as Huhe breathe out heavily and shook his head, showing he had no intention to fight. Staring at them calmly, Huhe then spoke, "No matter what you say, we have taken our stance in this matter. Nothing you can do about it. But for you guys, I will give you an advice, directly coming from my grandfather himself." 

Frowning, the hobgoblin named Durdur replied in a wary tone, "What's it?" 

Smiling lightly, Huhe opened his mouth and said. 

"Run away from the war as far as you can. For only bitter glory could be sought in this place."