New kid - Rainbow

The doors opened to reveal a small boy who was looking around the entrance like he'd never been in a school before. Rainbow watched as the performer kids did their welcome dance for him and he laughed. He walked into the centre, he didn't seem to notice how everyone was whispering to each other about him.

Barry approached him and Rainbow followed close behind, eager to meet the new student. He was a little taller than Rainbow though had fluffy brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"Welcome to our school." Barry started with a soft tone. Faker. Rainbow thought, but then she was kind of throwing stones in a greenhouse...

The boy smiled. "I'm Toby." He looked at Rainbow. "Who are you?" Barry looked at the boy and protectively took Rainbow's hand, she tried to squirm out but he was holding her too tight.

"I'm Barry, I'm the head boy and popular king." Barry was about to introduce Rainbow too but she cut him off.

"I'm Rainbow, I'm the head girl and popular queen." She introduced. Then she smiled. "It's nice to meet you." She shook hands with Toby earning a menacing squeeze on her hand from Barry.

"I'll be giving you a tour of the school, so you can hit on my girlfriend later." Barry suggested. Rainbow rolled her eyes. Did he have to do this? Right now? She thought angrily. Her hand was going to break soon too.

"Well I'll see you later RB!" Barry smiled and went to kiss her but she dodged.

"Yeah..."Rainbow responded, she looked at the new kid silently hoping Barry wouldn't beat him up too badly...