Meeting - Rainbow

Rainbow nervously opened the door to the nurse's office. The nurse was sitting at her desk typing. Rainbow slipped in hoping that the nurse wouldn't be too angry... All Rainbow wanted was for her to say she'd done well once in a while...

"So you've finally arrived?" The nurse murmured from the corner, she didn't look up from her computer. Rainbow remained silent, thinking her attitude wouldn't get her out of this one. The nurse sighed and spun around grabbing her clipboard on the way. Rainbow sat down on the seat opposite her.

"So, how have things been since last week?" She asked, causing Rainbow to awkwardly shuffle on the seat.

"Um... Fine. I guess." Rainbow responded, watching the nurse scribble on the clipboard.

"Now, your relationships, how are you and Barry?" The nurse asked, she watched as Rainbow wondered what to answer. He'd beaten her up several times, embarrassed her in front of everyone, told her to steal, made fun of her... The list was endless.

"Umm... We're fine." Rainbow mumbled, telling her about Barry's jerkiness wasn't going to give her any favours. Barry would be angry, beat her up and she'd only have the guilt that she'd told on one of her friends.

"How about Linda?" The nurse asked as she wrote something down. Rainbow grimaced she'd called Linda a slut... unintentionally. They weren't exactly in the best of places either.

"Yeah, we're fine..." Rainbow responded with a low mumble. The nurse looked up at her, slightly frustrated.

"...And Dimond..." She asked, watching Rainbow's body language very carefully this time. Rainbow felt so awkward and embarrassed... The only reason that she had these sessions was because she didn't eat enough. She'd had them since she was about 5 or 6, so the nurse knew her very well.