Trees - Rainbow

Rainbow hit the tree again angry that the world was against her. This time it worked. The tree started tipping and her eyes widened in excitement. She'd finally done it. Learnt how to boost her punches. A wide smile crept over her face and she jumped up and down. Her mother would actually be impressed for once. Then all her happiness suddenly dropped to her gut giving her an awful feeling.

"Oh no..." She whispered barely audible. The tree had started falling in her direction. It was getting closer and closer by the second. Rainbow's mind was going a million miles an hour and yet she stayed there frozen in fear, like a deer in headlights. She slowly raised her arms over her head bracing for the impact. Some magic would probably help her... right? She squeezed her eyes closed.

Then she flew through the air and hit the floor, something crushing her chest. She opened her eyes to see a boy, about her age, standing over her and dusting himself off. He held out his hand to help her up. She nervously took it, trying to guess what he wanted - would he take her into town? Publicly announce her magic?

"Are you okay?" The boy asked, he ruffled his fluffy brown hair. He was wearing a designer t-shirt and jeans. She looked into his ocean coloured eyes and just nodded in response, struggling to find her voice.

"Thanks, y-you saved my life!" She graciously commented. He smirked and then she realised who he was. She knew she'd seen him before. "Wait! You're Gary Sheffield! The mayor's son!" Rainbow gasped covering her mouth with her hands. "Whatever can I do to repay you?" She asked hoping he wouldn't give her too big of a burden...