Gabrielle - Rainbow

Rainbow walked down the hallway, pulling up her disguises, she was happy in their eyes. She always was. Then she bumped into someone. She nervously took a step back.

"Watch where you're going, idiot." The girl yelled, she would've normally been very pretty if it wasn't for the jaw support she wore. She had long golden hair which flowed like a river down her back to her waist. She was glaring down at Rainbow with her hazel eyes. Rainbow gulped and took a step back. "Huh, it's you. I expected as much." She murmured, deep in thought about how to display her authority.

"Hi Gabrielle, it's good to see you back from the hospital, so soon!" Rainbow smiled trying to win Gabrielle over with her friendliness.

"And why exactly was I there, Rainbow?" She asked as her eyes narrowed. Rainbow looked away guiltily.

"Well it was nice talking to you, bye!" Rainbow smiled turning on her heels to run away. Just before she did, a hand grabbed her and spun her around causing Rainbow to gulp and smile nervously.

"I spent the whole time in hospital thinking about how I was going to get you back for breaking my jaw..." Gabrielle cautioned, Rainbow squirmed in her grip. That wasn't exactly the full story...

A little while ago, Gabrielle had been annoying Rainbow as per usual, except when Rainbow went to punch her, her magic decided to help. Gabrielle had flown across the hallway, broken her jaw and Dimond had to use her magic memory wiping spell, except it only wiped the magic usage. To Gabrielle, Rainbow was just incredibly strong...