Money - Ruby

Ruby sat on her bed in her dorm replaying her conversation with Gary over and over in her head. She just felt really guilty for messing with him like this. He had looked so upset and hurt, like someone had just cut his heart out of him... His curious eyes that were usually filled with wonder, instead filled with betrayal. Was it worth it? Or would she feel this pain forever? She was staring at the package on her bed, she knew what it was but she didn't want to open it. Not yet. She was starting to wonder wether she should just give it to Gary and apologise.

Abigail, Ruby's best friend, came over to her with Dave following slightly behind her. She had light brown hair that faded into her blond tips swaying just above her waist. She had clipped her fringe back with a bedazzled hair clip shaped like a flower, but she was definitely the serpent under the flower.

"So... When are we going to get the goods?" Abigail snapped, her voice harsh as she glanced at the package. She then hit Dave, who looked half asleep as he meandered inside the room.

"Don't you kinda feel bad about this?" Ruby asked, still forlorn. Abigail glanced at Dave and then stared directly into Ruby's eyes. She came close up to Ruby's face, so close that she could feel her breath on her face.

"Are you gals going to make out or..." Dave asked becoming slightly concerned that he wasn't going to get paid and instead was going to have to watch this. He didn't get an answer.

"Listen Ruby, we've already finished the task. There is no use feeling guilty about it since it doesn't effect us. That guy will probably just go back to his suffocating dad and we'll go on living our lives." Abigail whispered with a harsh undertone which made Ruby tense up. "Now give us the money!" Abigail shouted causing Ruby to pull back and then scramble over to the package. The picture of Gary's happy smile forgotten in an attempt to save her own skin.