Child Services - Rainbow


Rainbow ran down the steps, breathing deeply. If her mother got her way then she would be in trouble later. Then there was a knock at the front door and Rainbow instantly knew who it was. Child Services. They'd come to take them away again. Her mother calmly came downstairs and answered the door.

"Good morning! How can I help you?" She asked in a fake nice voice. Rainbow had heard it often. She heard the woman on the other side cock her gun and murmur something. Kathrine kept fake smiling and lit up her hand in rainbow sparkles, a trail emerged from her hand, wrapping around Rainbow's waist pulling her towards the door. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see what was going to happen.

"The Sheffield's want to take you away." She whispered to Rainbow. "They want to take all of you away. Let's show them what happens to them when they challenge us..." She hissed into her ear.

"Please... don't!" Rainbow cried, afraid for the care workers who were just doing their job. She tried to scramble out of her mother's grip but she was too strong.

"Aimes' protect their families." Kathrine responded. She lit up her other hand and it glowed menacingly at the care workers. The woman pulled up her gun but it floated out of her hand. A giant dark purple vortex was swirling above them.

Then the screaming started, their skin peeling off and floating into the vortex. Their eyes stretched out from their sockets and blood dripped upwards. Their souls flew into the vortex and Kathrine smirked as their screams faded. Only ashes were left and as the wind blew they slowly dissipated.

"I'm going to lie down, tell the client I'm upstairs." Kathrine told Rainbow heading upstairs. Rainbow convulsed feeling sick to her stomach. She didn't notice the tears as they rolled down her cheeks. She went up a couple of the stairs and collapsed, falling unconscious...