Waiting - Gary

Gary left the house, waiting for Delia's arrival. At least they were only staying a day. He thought. He walked outside accompanied by two guards. He stared at them.

"I don't need guards!" Gary complained, frustrated by his father's overbearing nature. All he was doing was meeting a suitor, what was the big deal?

"The Mayor asked us to accompany you Master Gary." The replied emotionlessly and rigid. Gary sighed but continued on his journey anyway. He had been told to wait at the town hall for them.

Gary couldn't stop thinking about going to a public school. He was so excited. He thought about the girl he had met the other day. He'd never had a conversation with a normal kid before. Internally, he hoped that he hadn't come off too awkwardly, he was going to join her school after all. While he thought about this a cold and sharp wind blew, causing him to shiver.

"Would you like a coat Master Gary?" One of the guards asked. It was more of a demand really. Gary crossed his arms and gave them a look.

"What kind of person wears a coat over their suit?" He asked, gritting his teeth. He sighed staring at the road. Then someone bumped into him, he quickly spun around...