Shock - Rainbow

Rainbow woke up surrounded by her siblings, they were all frowning and seemed extremely worried.

"Give her some space!" A voice ordered, pushing the others out of the way. It was Starlight. She held out a had to Rainbow, who took it and stood up.

"Thanks..." She mumbled, still in shock from the horrors she'd just witnessed. It had happened before. Many times. Rainbow could never get used to it though. The first time was the worst.

"Maybe you should lie down for a while?" Starlight suggested. Trying to reason with her older sister who was currently clutching her stomach.

"Nah. I'm going to go for a walk, get some fresh air or whatever..." Rainbow mumbled back, seeming distant and stuck in her mind. Starlight pouted at Rainbow's irresponsible behaviour.

"You just collapsed!" She reasoned but Rainbow had already put on her shoes and was unlocking the door. Whatever. She thought. She didn't care anyway.

Rainbow took a deep breath of fresh air and felt slightly better. She walked out of the house deep in thought and almost bumped into someone. "Sorry!" She quickly spluttered. She looked up slightly and saw the Mayor's Son. She swore under her breath. Not again! Her mother really was going to kill her now.

"Oh, hey!" He started, trying to recall her name and then realising she hadn't told him it.

She quickly took a couple steps back. "I've... uhhh... I've got to go..." She mumbled, instantly nervous at talking to him. Suddenly, his guards jumped into action pointing their guns at her. She squeaked and immediately held her hands up in surrender.

Gary quickly confirmed that she wasn't a threat and that he didn't mind her talking to him. Her cheeks pinked slightly, embarrassed by the situation that she was in now. She had to go before her mother had anything else she could use against Rainbow. While Gary was distracted arguing with his guards, she slipped away. She hadn't wanted to talk to him anyway.