The Girl - Gary

Gary's eyes widened at the sight of who had bumped into him. It was the girl he'd met in the woods. Something seemed wrong though, she didn't seem entirely there...

"Sorry!" She apologised quickly. As she lifted her head he could see the obvious surprise in her eyes. He heard her swear under her breath and smirked.

"Oh, Hey!" He started, trying to recall her name and then realising she hadn't told him it.

She quickly took a couple steps back. "I've... uhhh... I've got to go..." She mumbled, instantly nervous at talking to him. Gary noticed her timid nature that was present and and smiled. Suddenly, his guards jumped into action pointing their guns at her. She squeaked and immediately held her hands up in surrender.

"At ease!" Gary commanded, angry that the guards would turn on her that quickly, although if she were an actual threat he could've been killed by now.

The guards didn't move still threatening her with their guns. "Master Gary, do you know who she is?" One guard asked seeming concerned by her. Gary turned around to face them fully.

"Yeah I know who she is, just back off I'm trying to have a conversation here." Gary argued, annoyed that the guards wouldn't let him talk to the girl. He wanted to tell her that he was transferring to her school and wondered how she'd respond.

He spun back around but the girl had already walked off, probably because of the scene she'd just caused. Gary frowned and sighed. At least he could talk to her at school without the... distractions... he thought...